13 Uncovered

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I do not own Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day and I do not own you.

I got home from school and my mother handed me an envelope.

"What's in it?" I asked slightly confused.

My mother smiled at me "Money for that rocket you wanted to launch for a friend." She said.

I was shocked "How did you know?" I asked.

"I overheard that conversation you were having with your friend besides, I am a mother after all. I should know what you're up to 24/7." She said.

"I geuss you are." I said, looking into her warm brown eyes, they were just like Misaki's.

I felt my phone ring, I picked it up and saw that the payment was due today.

"Mom, I've gotta go!" I said frantically running out the door.

"O-okay! Be safe!" I heard her call from the door.

3rd Person POV

Nanako, or Mrs. Yamamoto sighed "She's been going out a lot more, isn't she?" She spoke to herself.

"Yeah," Misaki said "she may not show it, but she seems to be really happy here mama."

Nanako smiled to herself "Yeah, she really us."

(Y/N)'s POV

I arrived at the place and Poppo, Anaru, Jitan, and I put the money together. We had enough money. We marched inside and asked again to build the rocket since we now had the money.

The guy sighed and said "I would love to help you guys, but the order was declined."

"W-what?" Anaru asked.

"But we worked our buts off to get that money!" Poppo whined.

"I could give you the name of the person that declined it." He said.

"Well, who is it?" I asked.

What he said. Ext was unbelievable.


We brought Tsuruko and Yukiatsu along to the Honmas'.

"What a great surprise!" Mrs. Honma said, faking her joy. I could see how much she hated us with her eyes. But how she looked at me, it was so unsettling.

"You guys brought Atsumu and Chiriko along as well!" She said.

We got inside and she offered us drinks.

Then Jintan brought up the rocket. Don't get me wrong I'm glad that he did, but I also wish that he didn't mention it.

"H-how kind of you to do that for her." I hear Mrs. Honma say, her breath shaky.

"This isn't going to be pretty." I thought.

"Meiko must be so jealous, and you guys think you're doing a good thing." Mrs. Honma continued. "You don't want to do this to remember her, you're just using this as an excuse. An excuse to hang out."

"That isn't it!" Jintan said frantically, I owing how this was going to end up.

"You guys got to grow up! You guys got to live! Why did she have to die? Why her?" Mrs. Honma said crying while she had a death grip on Tsuruko's hand.

"Great, another reason to feel horrible." I grumbled to myself.

"What was that!?" Mrs. Honma said looking at, glaring at me.

"Maybe stop using us, and your daughter's death as an excuse to get mad, ya hypocrite." I said loud enough for Mrs. Honma to hear.

She gasped "You disgraceful brat!" She said.

"If you're trying to give me a reason to cry and beg for your 'forgiveness' "calling me a 'disgraceful brat' won't work." I said

"You're the very reason why your whole family is dead!" She screamed at me.

My eyes widened, "What is she talking about?"

I felt the others' eyes drill into the back of my skull.

"Don't play dumb with me!" She yelled at me "If your mother never found out she was pregnant with you, she would've never been diagnosed! If she hadn't been diagnosed your twin sister would've been alive. If they didn't die your father would've never commit suicide!"

I felt like I was hit by a wave. Something fell down my face, something wet and hot.

(Y-y/n)." Anaru said.

"Mrs. Honma, you took it way too far." Jintan said.

I heard the door creak open

"I'm home." A monotone voice said.

We all turned out heads "Welcome home Satoshi." I said.

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