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Your POV

I looked out of the old window. My short (hair color) hair blowing in the wind. I let out a soft sigh. I looked up at the clouds my large (eye color) orbs full of hope. I got up and straightened my (fav color) dress, my little legs showing a little. Today might be the day I would get adopted. I slipped on my old brown shoes and run to the door. "I hear voices." My soft voice said to the other girls in the room we slept in. I stepped back a little while the door opened. The head mistress stood there with a man who looked like he was made of mist. I smiled at the lady as she looked at me. Her brown hair was tied back in a bun and she wore a long brown dress and boots.

"Girls meet Mr. Kurogiri he would be adopting one of you today. Go out in the front yard and get ready to show your quirks." She spoke softly as I smiled even wider. I ran pass them and into the kitchen. I grabbed a knife and a wood spoon. I ran out side and we all lined up in a row. There were nine of us girls total. Each in a row youngest to oldest. The youngest was four and the oldest was twelve. I was ten so I was near the end. I waited as each kid went through showing the man their quirks. When it was my time I grabbed the knife and smiled. I took the knife and stabbed it right through my wrist. I twisted it and cut down creating a large cut from the middle of my wrist and down. I watched the crimson blood cover the blade and the ground. I then used my quirk to heal my body. I looked up at the man and smiled. The next person almost went when I stopped them.

"Wait there's more!" I shouted. I grabbed the wooden spoon and ignited my hand in a red and orange flame. I touched the spoon and watched it burst into flames. I looked back at the last two and nodded. "Now I'm done." They nodded back and used their quirks. Near the end we all waited patiently for him to choose. He walked up to me and kneeled down.

"What is your name child?" He spoke his voice was deep and relaxing.

"(Name)." I answered and smiled back at the man.

"I'll take (Name)." He said to the Mistress. She nodded and told me to go get my stuff. My eyes lit up and I ran to the room we all shared. I grabbed my bag of clothes and shoes. Along with my toys and other stuff I needed.

I came back out and walked to the man. He finished the paper work and walked me to his old car. It was a brown old mustang with a few dent and scratches. Inside the car seats were black. In the front was a young man he had bright blue messy hair and wore a white long sleeve shirt with blue jeans. I opened the door and hopped in. I set my stuff on the floor and buckled up.

"Kurogiri who's the kid?" His voice was kinda raspy and a little deep. He looked back at me. Our eyes met his crimson orbs looking into my (eye color) ones.

"This is now (Name) Kurogiri. Her quirk is regeneration and flames." The other man nodded and looked back at you. "(Name) this is Tomura Shigaraki-"

"Is he gonna be my new brother?" I interrupted Kurogiri. Tomura laughed a little.

"He could be what ever you want him to be." My eyes lit up when he says that.

It took a while to get to my new home. I got out and skipped into the... bar? Inside was a kinda dark room. A shelf full of a lot of alcohol and a bar in from of it. At least seven bar stools under the bar table thing. A few booths near the walls and tables. I walked in and looked around. I walked a little farther and saw stairs. Kurogiri walked up to me and showed me to my room.

"This will be your room. I filled the closet with some clothes and things you might want. You get your own private bathroom and key. I'll let you settle in now. Bye."

"Bye bye." I said to the man and he closed the door. I could here muffled voices down stairs as I walk to the bed. The blanket was a light brown color and kinda thick. I laid my bag down and got out some clothes and put them up. I grabbed my old doll. She had a fades pink dress and brown hair in piggy tail. The doll was a little dirty cause it was very old. I had when I was two and still with my real parents. I set the doll on the bed and grabbed my hair brush from the bag. I finished unpacking and laid down on the bed. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep on the comfortable bed.

All right first chapter yay.

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