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I was walking down the alley. I told Bakugou I was going to the store to get some things for myself. As I was walking the bag that I was holding ripped. I let out a low groan and crouched to pick it up.

As I was picking it up I heard giggles and someone shushing them. I stood up and looked around. "Hello?" I asked and walked closer to the voices.

I got really close to the sound and suddenly a knife comes after me. I dodged it quickly and saw blue flames coming after me. My eyes widened and I tried to dodge but I wasn't fast enough. I put my hands up to block my face and winced at the burning sensation. The marks began to heal and I looked around.

"Show yourself asshole!" I shouted. I was shocked to see the league all surround me. "What's going on?"

"I'm sorry but your no longer in our services." Tomura smirked and everyone began to attack me. I dodged there attacks and fought back the best I could.

I pant heavily as I had bruises and cuts all over me. My stamina is low so I could regen. I saw a Nomu come after me and grab me. I struggled against him and it threw me into the wall. I let out a scream and my bones broke. I fell to the ground in pain. I felt a sharp pain in my side as I saw Toga with a smile and blood covering her knife.

"W-why?" I choked out and coughed up blood.

"Hehe well~ Shigi said we don't need you anymore." She giggled and licked her knife.

Suddenly I heard yelling and the villains ran away. Before I could see why I blacked out.

Bakugou's POV

'Damn it where is she?' Y/n hasn't been back here in hours. I told Aizowa and he went out to go find her. We were all really worried.

After about an hour we got a call from Aizowa, I put it on speaker.

"Bakugou we found Y/n." Those words made me so happy. "She's in the hospital. They're taking her into surgery, you need to get here fast." With that he hung up. We all looked at eachother and rushed to the hospital.

Once we got there we rushed to where Aizowa was. He looked worried. "How is she?" I asked with worry.

He looked at me and that's when I saw it, the pained expression on his face. "Bakugou you go see her." He said and I immediately went in.

Y/n laid on the bed with tubes and a steady beeping. I walked to her and grabbed her hand, I didn't realize but tears were running down my face.

"I'm so sorry N/n, I couldn't save you!" I cried and she cupped my face.

"Don't cry Katsuki," she smiled weakly and looked up at the ceiling. It was quiet for a few minutes. "Katsuki, I don't have long." She whispered.

"No you'll live. Please, don't let go." I cried and put our foreheads together.

She smiled and kissed me softly, I noticed a tear trinkle down her cheek. "I love you.." she whispered. Her skin began to turn more pail as the color drained from her cheeks. Her eyes closed and she let out a small puff of air.

I froze as I heard the long flatline. I cried harder and yelled. "Y/n come back!" Everyone rushed in as doctors tried to bring her back. Everyone was crying but the pain in my heart I would never forget.

This is worse than anything I've ever felt. I closed my eyes wishing this was a dream but it wasn't. Villains killed the one girl I loved and I vow as long as I'm alive I will hunt down every villain and put them where they belong.

The end...

The Villains Sister(Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now