Chapter 13:

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Halloween. The day of ghosts and ghouls, werewolves and vampires, the one day of the year when we get to go out and get free candy.

But for me, on Halloween night I have a curse. Always have when I was in the orphanage.

"On Halloween night I will turn into a blood thirsty beast. Hunting on the innocent. The only way I could go back to my normal self is for the one person I love the most kisses me. I will transform back into my beautiful self."

That is what the person when giving me the curse. I never knew why or how but all I know is when every Halloween night comes I turn into a beast and by the end of the night my dad usually saved me or they would lock me in a basement.

I woke up and it was the one day I was dreading for months. I don't want to do Halloween night and not even Katsu knows about my curse. I feel Katsu's strong arms around me and feel at ease. I smile and sigh with relieve. 'I have to tell Katsu about the curse.'

I feel a gentle kiss on the back of head and smile.

"I guess your awake too." I said in a low whisper. I had to be quiet because we are in the dorms at UA. Of course I couldn't sleep without Katsuki so we take turns sleeping in each others rooms.

"Barely. By hearing your voice is helping a bit." He said with a grin. We with sit up and he kissed me softly on my lips. I smiled again but groaned when the idea of my curse and how he would react.

"What's wrong?" He asked looking at me with a frown.

"I just... I have to tell you some thing." I said stuttering a little bit. "You see-" I started but was cut off with someone nocking on the door.

"Are you guys awake. Its would so so unmanly of me if I woke y'all." He said through the door. I giggled.

"Yeah were awake! Do you need something Kiri?" I asked him.

"Yeah I was wondering y'all want to have a scary movie marathon."

"That sounds great well be there." I said back to him.

We both get up and I walk to the door.

"I thought you wanted to talk to me." He said confused.

"I'll tell you later." I said blowing him a kiss and left.

I walked silently to my room.

Later that day when the changing starts.

I put on (comfortable outfit) and leave my hair down. I walk out and into the large living room. I sat down on Katsu's lap and Kaminari started he first movie 'Annabelle'.

We watched about half way when I started to get a head ache. I knew all to well it was me changing. I made an excuse say I had to use the bathroom.

I rushed to my room and locked the door behind me. I can't have them knowing that I'm a monster. I held my head and wined a little from the pain. I felt my teeth hurt and a tail growing. The pain is undescribable. I whimpered quietly.

Soon I felt two fluffy ears and fangs. I was so scared then I heard a nock.

"Babe are you okay?" I could head Katsu's voice behind the door.

"Please leave." I sails quietly but loud enough for him to hear.

"The hell is wring with you?"

"Go please!" I said I little louder.

"Let me in." He said loudly.

"Go the fuck away!" I shouted.

"Don't fucking talk to me like that! Let me the fuck in it in blasting this door down!"

Katsuki's POV

I was so pissed. Why is she speaking to me this way. It was silence for a few seconds then I heard something that startled me. It was a loud growl. I quickly blew up the handle and kicked the door open.

All I saw was (fur color) wolf with (eye color) eyes. It growled but eyes softened when it saw me. 'What the fuck?' I looked deep into its eyes and realized it was y/n. My eyes go wide in horror.

"Hey is everything okay?" I turn around and see Kirishima. His face showed horror when he saw the wolf. I look back at her and she gets low like she was about to pounce.

"Ejirou run!" I yelled but she pounced. I quickly pushed him out of the way. She missed him
and ran away. "Damn it!"

"Who was that?"

"It was y/n." I said getting up. He looked at me confused and I walked away from him.

"Where are you going?"

"To her father for some answers."

Time skip

The police officers let me into the room. Kurogiri sat on one side of a glass wall and I was on the other side.

"Hello Bakugo." He said to me.

"Kurogiri. I have a question."

"Really?" He asked intrigued.

"Its about your daughter f/n."

"Is she okay. I haven't seen her in a long time."

"She turned into a goddamn wolf. Why?" There was a pause and then he spoke.

"When she was young she got cursed in the orphanage she came from."

"How the hell do I changed her back?"

"Either lock her up until tomorrow or she has to have an act of love upon her." I nodded and got up. I'm not going to thank that ass hole for helping me. I walked out and left the station.

'Hold on f/n I will find you.'

Your POV

My mind was racing and I didn't know where I was. All I know is that I'm a wolf. I so stopped and looked up at the moon. It was a full moon. I howled laid down. My tail wagged happily as I watched kids dressed up and going from house to house.


I lift m head quickly and look around. I saw a human with blond spiky hair and red eyes. I knew it was Katsu and my tail wagged more happily. He walked slowly towards me. I barked happily and stood up.

"Hey babe." He spoke calmly and clearly. I walked up to him and rubbed my head on his leg. He sat down next to me and pet my head. I laid down and placed my head on his lap. He kissed my forehead and pet my head.

Before I knew it I had fallen asleep.

I wake back up in a bed and arms wrapped around me. I groan a little and stretch.

"Good your awake." Katsu said from behind me. I hummed in response. "I'm glad your back to normal." He said kissing me head.

"Me too also how did you find me?"

"Your father told me."

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