Chapter 3:

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I woke up with my blanket on the floor. The pillow I was snuggling with was now on my feet. I lifted my head up and rubbed my eyes. 'What time is it?' I looked at my phone and saw it was around four am. I got up and took a hot shower.

The hot water ran down my body waking me up. I cleaned off my small figure and got out. I forgot to get some clothes so I rapped my towel around my chest. The towel squeezed my breast a little but I didn't mind. I walked out of my bathroom and grabbed my school clothes. I walked over to the door and made sure it was locked before I start to change. I out on the clothes quickly and put on my boots. I walked out of my room and walked down stairs. I saw my dad as he locked his eyes on me.

"Your still going to school." He scoffed. I looked away and sighed. I walked closer to the bar my dad was behind and sat down.

"Nothing you say will keep me from that school. Its a dream of mine to become a hero. One I've never shared with you because I knew how you'd react." I said looking down. My hands messing with my skirt. "I'm leaving now." I stood up and left.

I walked all the way there enjoying the darkness. I stopped at an old swing set to take a small break. I sat down on the swing and grabbed my phone. I checked the time and put it back. I got up and dusted myself off. Just as I was about to walk I heard someone yell.

"Shut up you old hag I'm going!" A loud voice was hears. He turned and saw me. I could tell he got more angry when he saw me. I quickly hid behind the slide. "I already saw you. You little shit!" He yelled. I walked from behind the slide and looked at the blond spiky haired boy.

I walked towards the boy as he walked towards me. His crimson orbs staring into my (eye color) ones. It scares me a little bit. We stopped once we were a few feet apart. He growled as he looked at me. "The fuck are you doing near my house?"

"I didn't even know you had one." I snapped at him. He growled even lower. "Anyways I've been walking here from far away and I wanted to take a break. I saw the play set and figured I could take a small break." You sighed to the male. "I'll be going now." You pivoted on your foot and started walking away.

You didn't get long till Bakugou grabbed your arm. You stopped dead in your tracks and turned to him.

"Don't fucking walk away from me when in not done fucking dome talking to you." He snarled his eye brows knitting together. Mine started to knit together.

"Its not your goddamn choice if I walk away." I snapped at him.

"The fuck did you just say to me!?"

"You fucking heard me." I pulled my arm from his grasp and walked away. Letting out a breath of relief. I'm so scared of Bakugou sometimes.

I walked the rest of the way to school.

Lunch time

Around lunch I didn't feel like being around many people so I ate on the roof. Alone. I sat looking at the sky. No one would bother me. It was so peaceful and so quiet. I enjoyed it more than ever. It was so quiet I started thinking.

I got so deep in to thoughts I did not notice someone staring at me. I felt a pair of eyes burning a hole in my head. I turned around and saw the only person I hated more than villains. Bakugou Katsuki. He stared at me and turned around walking away with out a single word. I sighed and got up knowing it was time for class. I started to walk down the hall when I met up with Mineta.

"Hey Mineta." I waved to the small boy.

"Oh hey (Name). Wanna walk back to class with me." I smiled at him.

"Sure." I walked up to the boy and put my hands behind my back. We walked to class in silence.

"Go to the beach with me (Name)."

The Villains Sister(Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now