Chapter 4:

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I woke up with the feeling of someone watching me. I looked around and saw no one. I let out a soft sigh of relief and got up. I changed into something simple. It was a (fav color) top and skinny jeans. I threw on a my boots and brushed my hair. I put my hair up in a high pony tail and left.

When I reached the boys house I nocked three time.

"Who the fuck is it!?" I heard a harsh female voice.

"Answer the door hag!" I heard Bakugou say.

"Don't call me that Katsuki Bakugou!"

"Just open the damn door!"

"I am you you ungrateful brat!" The door suddenly swung open and stood there was a women with blond hair like Bakugou's. She was wearing a pink shirt and white jacket with sweat pants.

"Hello are you Bakugou's sister?"

"Aw your so sweet. No I'm his mother, Mitsuki"

"May I see Bakugou. Please I'm (Name)."

"Yes please come in." She stepped to the side as I walked in. The house was a two stories building. I sat down on the couch and waited.

"Who was it?" Bakugou said walking in. He stopped when he saw me on the couch. "What the hell is she doing here!?" He yelled.

"Katsuki don't yell at our guest!"

"Shut up hag!"

"Don't talk me like that runt!"

"Like you would do shit about it!"

"Try me I would ground your ass!"

"Like hell you will!" Bakugou got into a fighting stance sending small explosions out of his finger tips.

"Your not using your damn quirk in this house!" He put his hands down and stood up normally.

"What the hell are you doing here (Name)?"

"I'm here to become your friend." I said quietly.

"Not interested."

"Please just one day of hanging out with me and if you don't want to be my friend I would understand." I got up when I said this staring into the males eyes.

"Fine let me get dressed first." I nodded and sat back down.

In a few minute's he walked down wearing a red shirt with bold black letters saying "I don't give a shit!" and baggy blue jeans. "Let's go." He said pointing to the door. I got up and followed him.

When we got outside he turned and looked at me. "What did you have in mind today?" I shrugged. "Really you drag me from my house and you don't know what to fucking do?"

"I thought you could choose. How about we spar and who ever wins gets to choose what to do today."

"Fine by me but I'm going to kick your ass." He smirked. I rolled my eyes and walled pass him.


When we reached a spot in the woods I cleared out the area with my flames and got into a fighting stance. He got into his stance and waited.

"Rules, No bad injuries and don't attack too hard. Ready?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Start!" As soon as that word left my mouth we ran at each other. I used my flames and surrounded my hands in fire. I threw the first punch and hit him right in the stomach. He did my move but instead he used his explosion to shoot me back. I dragged my feet on the ground to stop my self. I sprouted a huge wall of fire around us and leaped towards him. I punched him in the face and shot him with fire from my hand. That's when he got angry and blasted me with a large explosion. I jumped up trying to dodge but he shot another one at me. I couldn't dodge so the explosion hit me. The impact made me fly back and hit a tree. The impact made the air in my lungs leave me. I stood up and had short sharp breaths. I used my regen quirk and healed myself quickly. I ran at the boy and used my fire quirk to make my entire body on fire. A jumped over him and shot for down on him. He feel to the ground and I deactivated my quirk. My clothes were in taters and burnt while his clothes were more falling off his body because I burnt his shirt pretty bad. He also had cuts and a few burn marks. I looked back at my hands and noticed that they had a few burn marks.

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