Chapter 12:

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Your POV

All we did today was get settled into the dorms. The dorms were huge. There was a large area with a couch and TV and two floors all for 1a students. The first floor is for the boys and the other is for the girls. We all got to decorate our rooms too.

I decorated my room very differently than Katsu's room. I painted my walls a lightish dark purple and black carpet. I had pictures on my wall of sculls and other bad ass stuff, along with my bass. I had a simple light purple dresser that had a mirror attached to it. I put my clothes in my closet and my shoes in the bottom of my closet. My bed had a thick purple blanket and black pillows with a vanity and a f/c lamp next to he bed. The bathroom had the same walls and black floor boards. I didn't decorate in the bathroom much. Only a bouquet of flowers on the toilet and an air freshener.

After finishing my room I took a warm shower. The water felt great against my skin. After I washed up I changed into a long sweater, shorts, and (colors) striped thigh high socks. I put my hair up into a pony tail and walked to the door.

I opened the door and see Katsu right about to nock. I start to build up with excitement and hug my boyfriend. He rapped his arms around me and chuckled lightly.

"Miss me already?" He asked amused by my child-like behavior.

"Yes, how could I not miss you!" I said kissing his cheek.

"Hey man stop running it in that you have a girlfriend." I look over and see Kirishima and Kaminari standing right next to him. I blushed and let go of Katsu.

"Y'all dumbasses are just jealous I have a nice piece of ass like y/n and you don't." Katsu said cockily pulling my closer to him.

"Katsu!" I said hitting him playfully and blushing. He chuckled and we all walked to the living room.

We all sat on the couch. Me sitting in Katsu's lap and everyone being jealous.

"Hey I've got an idea!" Mina said excitedly. "Let's see which one of the boys rooms are the best decorated!"

"Sounds fun," I said with a little bit of excitement in my voice. Everyone agreed and we got up to check out the rooms.

I walked along side Katsu and he had his arm around my waist. I smiled to myself as we walked down the hall. I felt closer to Katsu since I saved him from villains.

(I don't remember what order they did the rooms in only how the rooms look.)

The first room we went to was Yagi's and boy was that interesting. Everything in the room was sparkling and he even yelled out "aren't you dazzled!" I laughed so hard Katsu had to hold me up to keep me from falling to the ground.

The next one was Tokoyami's room which was really dark. I was a little scared.

The next one was Midoriya's room which had a lot of all night action figures.

Then we went to Sato's and he gave us cake. It was so good too.

Shou's was a bit original and plain Japanese style. I kinda liked how plain it was.

We skipped Mineta's because no girl wants to go into that creeps room ever.

We wanted to go into Katsu's but he wouldn't let us.

"Only me and y/n are allowed in my room!" He shouted which made me blush a lot.

All of the rooms were very interesting when we finished. We all voted. It was a tie between Tokayami's, Sato's, and Todoroki's.

"Wait why can't we look at the girls rooms too?" Kirishima asked confused.

"Well one is Mineta will try to get our stuff because he's a creep and two because girls aren't supposed to let boys into their rooms. Its a privacy thing." I said to him. They all understood and watched a movie. I yawned signaling it was time for me to go to bed.

"I'm tired, goodnight guys." I said waving off to the boys and my friends.

I walked into my room and turned on my light. I took my hair down and brushed it. I walked over to my light about to turn it off when I heard a nock. I open the door and Katsu was standing there.

"No goodnight kiss huh?" He asked with that cocky smirk I love and his arms open. I smiled and walked up to him giving him a small kiss on the lips. He rapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer, deepening the kiss. I rapped my arms a round his neck and pulled my self closer to him, now on my tippy toes.

"I thought you were going to bed y/n not make out with your boyfriend." We brake away and turn our head to Mina.

"I am Mina just Katsu needed a goodnight kiss." I said as we let go of each other. I hugged Mina and walked into my room. "Goodnight."

I closed my door and turned off my light. The only light was my lamp. I walk over to my bed and lay down, letting the warmth of the blankets and comfort of my bed over take me.

I reach over and turn off the last of my light. The room goes complete black and I get ready to fall asleep.

After a few minutes my eyes get heavy and I fall asleep.

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