Chapter 8:

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A week later

Ever since the rape thing with Dabi I've been living Katsuki. I've gotten pretty use to waking up in his arms and, when he's pissed off I wake up on the floor or couch.

Today I woke up with Katsuki cuddling with me. I'm practically his girlfriend and he's even admitted it.

I looked up and saw Katsuki awake. I poked his cheek and smiled when he looked down at me. "Morning." His voice was deep and still groggy from sleep.

"Mm morning." I said rubbing my eye sleepily. He laughed a little and I blushed. "Why is your laugh so damn hot?"

"Why are you so damn hot?" I blushed and turned away. He laughed a little by my reaction.

"Am not." We got out of bed and I walked to the bathroom with my clothes. I put on my uniform and left.

We walked to school joking around the entire time. We walked into class and I talked with his squad I was apart of.


"Yes Mina?"

"What are you doing after school?"

"Well I need to get home and get some of my things. I have a performance tonight." I said with a finger on my chin thinking. "Y'all could come if you want."

"Awesome I'm coming!" Mina shouted.

"What instrument do you play?" Denki asked.

"Electric guitar."

"Nice that pretty sweet." Kirishima said.

"Thanks." Aizowa entered the room and we all sat down.

"Tomorrow we are leaving on a trip for a few days so be prepared. That will be all."

After class

"Class was more boring than usual today." I said walling with the group of friends.

"I know but I'm excited for tonight!" Mina exclaimed.

"Speaking of which I want y'all to meet me at Katsu-Kun's house not later than six. Dress normally got it?" They all nodded and we walked our separate ways. I looked over at Katsuki and smiled. "I will see you in a bit I have to get my stuff from home."

"I'm coming with."

"No your not."

"I don't give a shit if you say no in still coming."

"No its too dangerous."

"I could handle it!"

"No Katsuki that's the end of it. I'll see you back at your place." All I heard after that was a little tsk. I ran to my old home.

When I got to the place I used to live at I kicked open the door. The door fell to the floor and I laughed. "Woops." I walked into the room full of villains.

"(Name)!" I turned to my father and frowned.

"Don't get your hoped up I'm just here for my shit." I spat out. "Unless Dabi is gone."

"Yeah like that'll ever happen." I turned my head to the villain Dabi. I rolled my eyes and walked to my room.

I grabbed the rest of my stuff and my guitar and left. But I flipped everyone off first before I left.

I finally got to Katsuki's house with about two hours to spare. I walked into Katsuki's room and sat down. I looked around for the clothes my bands agreed on when I heard Katsuki's voice.

The Villains Sister(Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now