A/N please read

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So I know that the ending was terrible BUT if I'm thinking about doing a book 2 for this story. It will be a little spooky for the spirit of Halloween.

If you would like these to happen please comment!

Also I'm very sorry if the ending didn't make any sense I want to thank the one who gave me their feedback saying that it didn't make sense and they didn't like it. That's why I'm deciding on making a book 2.

Who ever it was that gave me the feedback I want to thank you. I didn't know how to end this book and again I'm so sorry. It was my brothers idea and I decided to go with it and tried to make it make sense but I failed.

There's also something's that I feel I should explain.

So Shigaraki and Kurogiri decided to adopt MC bc her quirk was strong. It wasn't their idea tho it was all for one's. They wanted to train her to become villain but when she said she wanted to be a hero they decided to support her and see if they could get any information about UA. As time passes she didn't become as much as a aspect as they needed so they decided knew that killing her would be smartest so she wouldn't tell the hero's about their hide out. So Shigaraki gave them orders to kill her and if they didn't he would kill them. Kurogiri couldn't do anything about it bc Shigaraki wasn't going to change his mind. So they went with the plan and followed her. Till it was the right time.

I'm sorry I didn't explain this in the story and I promise if I make a book 2 I will make sure everything is more clearer. Again thanks for reading and your feedback. I love all comments, positive or negative, and I grow from them. Don't be scared to be honest with me I won't be mad.

Anyways comment if you would like a book 2 and I will write it as soon as possible. Bye!

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