Chapter 9:

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I walked out to the large room where everyone was at. A few fans said hi and that they loved us. Dakura smiled and thanked them. Laily walked behind me and Dylan walked beside me.

I walked over to my group of friends. Bakugou was leaning on an empty table talking with Kirishima. Mina and Sero were talking in the booth and Denki was checking out some of the girls.

"Hey guys." I said walling up to the group with a smile on my face.

"Hey (Name) great performance." Kirishima said.

"Thanks, did you like it Katsu-Kun?"

"You did good." He said with a faint smile on his face. I smiled back at him and walked over to my boyfriend. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"By the way this is my band. Dakura was the drummer. Dylan was singing. And Laily was the bass. She pretty awesome at it too." I fist bumped my friend.

"You taught me everything I know." She smiled back.

"Also Dylan can you go get us some drinks?" I asked the tall male.

"I told you only one cup of beer got it?" He looked at me.

"What ever I'll go get the drinks myself." I rolled my eyes. "Do tall guys want anything?"

"Sure." Was their reply. I smiled and walked off.

I got to the bar and grabbed eight bottles of beer. I walked back and stopped when an old but familiar face showed up.

He had long purple hair that was cut short and green streaks. His eyes were a deep blue that you could get lost in if you star too long. He has a scar on his left eye down to his jaw.

I walked up to the male and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and saw me. His face lit up when he saw my (eyes color) orbs.


"Yep hey sou." He hugged me quickly.

Bakugou's POV

I looked around for my girlfriend and found her. She was talking to a purple haired freak. I watched as she hugged him smiling. 'The hell is she doing?' I got up in a rage and stomped over to her.

"(Name) what the fuck are you doing?" She looked over to me and smiled even more.

"Hey Katsu-Kun!" She said to me. "This is one of my oldest friends." She beamed. I rolled my eyes and glared at the other male.

"I don't give a shit. Let's go (Name)." I grabbed her wrist and walked off with her.

"I'll talk to you later (Name)." The other males said as he waved to her.

Your POV

I was dumb founded while Katsu-Kun pulled me away from my old friend. I just shrugged it of and walked back with the drinks.

When we got back I gave everyone there drinks. I listened to everyone talking and told my band about Sou.

"So I just bumped into Sou earlier."

"Really!" Laily said.

"Yeah he's looking really good. That wound healed up finally."

"Its his fault he decides to piss me off." Dakura said crossing his arms.

"He did say you looked like you were depressed." I said giggling a little. "Every one was thinking it." Now me and Laily were laughing. Finally Dylan comes back from who knows what with a certain someone.

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