Chapter 15:

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After the holiday we all had to go back to our dorms. We were gonna have our first movie night! I couldn't wait.

I had on a f/c shirt with (favorite anime character) and he sleeve on my left shoulder fell off showing my bra strap and shoulder and (color) sweats. My hair was in a messy bun and I had on no make up.

I was in charge of snacks as well as Mina, Tsu and Sato. I was popping pop corn. Mina was getting chips and dip. Tsu and Sato made the sweats.

Kastu, Kaminari, Kirishima, Uraraka, Jiro, Izuku and Iida worked on getting the living room set up. And the rest worked on picking out the movies.

"You excited Y/n!?" Mina said taking a bite of a cookie.

"Hey don't eat those yet." Sato said glaring at her.

"Oh sorry." Mina said finishing the cookie.

I giggled a little. "Yeah I am pretty excited. This will be my first movie night with y'all."

"Me too kero." Tsu said working on the cake icing. I took out the back of popcorn that just finished popping and put in another bag. I opened it and dumped it into a large bowl.

"Any of y'all got any cuddle buddies incase of a scary movie?" I asked turning around and looking at them.

"I got Kirishima." Mina said blushing a little.

"Me and Tokoyami maybe kero." Tsu said.

"I'm gonna be with a pillow." Sato said laughing. We all laughed too.

"I got Katsuki." I said smiling.

"You know ever since y'all got together I've been seeing a different side to him. Its almost...nice." Mina said thinking.

"Yeah." I blushed a little and grabbed the last bag of popcorn. I open it and dump it into the bowl. "I'm done any one need help?" I asked throwing the bag away.

"Nope i just finished." Mina said grabbing a bowl of chips and another bowl of salsa.

"Were done too kero." Tsu said putting a knife into the sink.

"Great let's go see if anyone else needs help." I said smiling. They all nodded and we walked out. I saw Katsu and everyone working on the living room. "Hey babe need any help?" I asked walking to him.

"No need I just finished." He said standing up. The room was now covered in mallets of blankets and pillows. It looked really comfortable.

"And we chose out some movies." Todoroki said walking towards me.

"Great we'll go get the snacks." I said and me and the snack team walked into the kitchen.

We came back out with bowls of popcorn, chips and dip, a plate of cookies and cake. We set them down on the table along with forks, plates and bowls.

"Alright everyone get settled." Iida said.

We all got to our spots with our cuddle buddies. I cuddled up with Katsu and had a plate of cookies and popcorn.

Iida put in our first movie, Rise of the Guardians. We all got comfortable, turned out the lights and watched the movie.

I laid on Katsu's shoulder and he kissed my head lightly. I watched the movie with a smile on my face.

We all watched at least three movies before everyone got tired.

I yawned a little while Katsu pulled me closer.

"You tired hun?" He asked kissing my forehead.

"A little but I could stay up longer." I said cuddling closer to him.

Everyone was pretty much already asleep, it was just me and Katsu who were awake.

"You sure?" He said looking at me. I hummed in response and he kissed me gently, of course I kissed back. "Okay then when this movie is over we'll go to sleep, okay?" He asked playing with my hair.

"Kay." I smiled and cuddled close to him. We didn't even get half way through the movie before we passed out. I was laying on his chest and he had his arms wrapped around me.

Best way to end a perfect movie night.

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