Chapter 1:

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Four years later

I woke up in the old bed. My blanket on the ground and pillows thrown everywhere. My hair was tangled all around my head. I stretched my arms and legs and yawned. I stood up and fixed my white button up shirt. I walked over to my closet and looked at the clothes trying to determine what to where today to UA. I reached my hand in the closet and grabbed a peach colored button up shirt and a black skirt. I put on the clothing and brushed my (hair length) (hair color). I grabbed a pair of socks black that goes up to my lower thigh and a pair of white knee high boots. The boots were made of cloth with black lases. I put them on and left my room. I walked down stairs with my purse over my shoulder and a smile on my face. I walled into the bar and looked at my father.

"Dad in going to the mall." I called out.

"Did you clean your room?"

"No." A sneaky smile on my face.

"Go clean now. I know how bad your when you are sleeping."

"But dad~." I whined.

"Now." I glared at the man as I passed by him. I walked back to my room and cleaned as fast as I could. I ran back down stairs and looked at my dad.

"Happy now." I glared at him.

"Extremely." He said back to me.

"I'm leaving now." I kept glaring at my father and left. Once I got outside I took in a deep breath and started walking to UA. I didn't tell my dad I was going to become a hero. He would go flip. I know the school already started classes but I want to see if I can get in. I started to run to the large school once I got close. I pulled my phone out and called the principal.

"Hello." A soft voice was herd on the other side of the phone.

"Hello principal Nezu I'm at the gates of UA waiting for you."

"Ah (Name) your here. I'll be there in a minute." And with that being said he hung up. I stood there waiting.

The gates opened up and a little bear, mouse hybrid things walked up to me.

"Nice to see you again Miss. (Name)." He said as he shook my hand. I nodded as he led me inside the large building. "Now the last time you were here you took the written exam and passed. Today I want you to write down your quirk and get ready for the physical exam." I nodded as he walked me to his office. I passed a few students on the way. They all looked at me confused. I continued walking though.

When we got in his office he told me to take a seat on the couch. He out down some tea and offered me some. I gladly excepted and took a cup.

"Now tell me about your quirk."

"I have two different quirks." When I said this he looked even more interested. "One is regeneration. If I get cut or hurt in any way I can regen the wound. The greater the injury the more amount of stamina it takes up. The other one is fire. I can create fire or control it. The down side is if I over use it I will start getting burn marks on my skin." He nodded and looked down at his tea.

"Well I don't know a lot of people with two quirks. Your very special Miss. (Name)." I blushed at his words. "Now the physical exam will be easy. All you have to do is destroy as many robots as possible." I nodded and stood up. He lead me to the course and wished me good luck. I bowed and got ready. I unbuttoned my top and showed my white tank top under neath. I unclipped my skirt and put it next to my shirt. I was now wearing a white tank top and black short shorts. I got down I'm a three pointer ready to run in at any moment. Nezu said go and I sprinted to the nearest building.

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