Chapter 5:

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I woke up to someone calling my phone. I picked up my phone and looked at it. "Bakugou why is he calling me?"


"Get over to my house."


"Don't question it just get your ass over here!"

"Okay okay I'm coming."

I hung up the phone and changed into a black long sleeve shirt and blue jeans. I brushed my hair and grabbed his hoodie. I left my room after I grabbed my phone.

I ran fast as i could to his house. When I got there I knocked three times.

"Come in!" I opened the door and looked around. Todoroki was sitting on the couch while Bakugou walked in from the kitchen.

"What's Todoroki doing here?"

"Just sit down." Bakugou spoke. I walked over to the couch and sat next to Todoroki.

"What's this about?" Bakugou sat down and both males looked at me.

"We know who your real parent's are." The red and white haired male said. I looked over to him.

"What?" I covered my mouth with my hands.

"Your dad is Enji the number two pro hero."

"And my mom."

"She lives in America. Her hero name is Regeno and her real name is Livian." Bakugou finished. I nodded and looked away.

"I'm related to Todoroki and that's where my fire comes from and my mom is far away from here." They both nodded. I looked up at both the males. "Tell me everything you know from the beginning."

"My dad left to America to do some hero work. While he was gone he met an extraordinary hero. That was Livian. She can regenerate any part of her body like you. He got attracted to her and they had Intercourse. After she had you she came to Japan to find my dad. He put you in an orphanage and forgot about you ever since." By the end of the story a few tears had left my eyes.

"They did not want me. I wasn't meant to exist." I choked out.

"You were meant to exist (Name) but you weren't meant to know about how you came into the world." I looked back up at Bakugou.

"How long did you know?"

"Since this morning that's why I called you." I nodded.

"I think you should meet your real parents. Starting with my dad." Todoroki said. I shook my head.

"I want to meet my mom first."

"She all the way in fucking America!"

"I don't care she was the one who brought me here and my dad was the one who didn't want me. I think it would be smarter for me to meet my mom first and then my dad." Todoroki nodded.

"I'll go with you." He said.

"Like hell you are I'm going too!" I nodded.

"Were going tomorrow okay." The boys nodded. "Here's your hoodie." I threw Bakugou his hoodie and walled to the front door. "I'll see y'all tomorrow." I opened the door and left.

Next day

I woke up early and packed a few clothes, my phone, and shoes. I also put in my brush and toothbrush, etc. I put everything in an old back pack and changes into a (fav color) tank top and jean shorts. I brushed my hair and put it into a loose pony tail. I swing the bag over my shoulder and left my room. I locked the door and out the key in my pocket. I walked down stairs and looked at my dad.

The Villains Sister(Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now