Chapter 14:

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Your POV

Its been a few weeks since moving into he dorms. We have a week off of school for a holiday. I have no idea what I'm going to be doing but for now Katsu and I went back to his house so I could see his parents. Later I'm going to see my dad aka shoto's dad. That's a lie I'm just going to see my step brother and sister.

I changed into something normal, a black shirt that goes down to mid thigh, a pair of short shorts with thigh high socks and a jacket tied around my waist. I left my hair down and put on my sunglasses.

"Bye Katsu I'm off to see Sho-chan. See you tonight." I said kissing Katsu's cheeks and left.

"Hey dumbass."

"Yes Porcupine?"

"I love you."

"Love you too." I left after that and walked to Shoto's house.

Time skip

I got to his house and rang the door bell. Of course Endeavor opened the door.

"What are you doing here." He spoke angrily.

I put my hand over my heart as if hurt. "I thought you would be happy to see your daughter." I said as if sad. He just glared. "Don't worry I'm not here for you." I said with a bitch face.

"Oh hey y/n your here early." Shoto's sister Fuyumi said.

"Hi Fuyumi." I said walking past Endeavor like he was nothing. Boy was he pissed. He just rolled his eyes and left though. He knows not to touch me or my mom will kill him. I smiled to myself and sat down on the couch.

"Shoto! Y/n is here!" Fuyumi yelled. As soon as she said that ice appears on the stairs and he came sliding down.

I giggled. "You shouldn't abuse your powers like that your dad will be pissed." I said as I hugged him tightly.

"I don't give a flying fuck about that man called my father." He said sitting next to me.

"Hey lunch is ready if y'all want to eat." Natsuo said poking his head from the kitchen.

"Hell yeah let's eat." I said excitedly. "What did y'all make?"

"Cold soba." Shoto said walking into the kitchen with me.

"I'm cool with that as long as mine is spicy." I said with a smirk.

"Your like the female version of Bakugo aren't you?"

"Hey when you practically live with the man he tends to rub off on you." I said shrugging.

"So you live with your boyfriend?" Fuyumi asked me.

"Yeah even though we have dorms I can't stand being apart from him. Ever since I left the league of villains and my step dad Katsu just took me in. We don't like being apart." I said with a small smile.

"Awww that's so cute." Fuyumi said.

"Oh thanks." I said while eating my soba.

We all talked and had fun then my phone went off.

"Huh?" I said and grabbed my phone. "Hello?"

"Hey y/n sweetie!"

"M-mom what-how did you get my number?"

"That sweet boy Bakugou gave it to me before y'all left."

"Really that cool."

"So I was going to ask you something."

"Go for it."

"Well I'm moving to Japan!"

"Wha- really!"

"Yeah I wanted to see if you would live with me!"

"I can't we have dorms now at the school." I said a little sad.

"That's okay anyways what do you think about helping me out when I get there?"

"I say I'll do it. Can't wait to see you."

"Me either bye baby!"

"Bye!" I hung up and looked at Shoto. "My mom is going to live in Japan!" I said with excitement.

"That's great y/n!" He said excitedly.

"I have to go pick her up from the airport tomorrow." I said finishing my soba.

Time skip

I left their house giving everyone a hug and went to the store. I really needed some coffee and Katsu isn't the best at making coffee.

I walked in and not a lot of people were in there. I speed walked to the coffee section and grabbed a cup. I made f/c/f (favorite coffee flavor) and paid. I quickly left. I took the ally way because hey why not.

As I walked through the ally I started thinking about my mom. Where is she going to live when she comes back?

I stopped when I saw a black smog in the corner of my eye. I turned around and saw my step dad Kurogiri.

"Y/n my daughter how are you?" He said walking towards me.

"Hello father. What are you doing here?"

"Are you still mad at me?"

"Yes you kidnapped my boyfriend!" I said angrily.

"It was your brothers plan."

"I don't give a shit you shouldn't have done it anyways!" I shouted. I quickly turned around and walked home.

He didn't even fallow me. I sighed and finished walking home.

Time skip

Later I layed in Katsu's lap and he played video games. It was fun. I told him about my mom and asked him if he would come with me to the airport. He said he would and he was going to drive me. I quickly fell asleep in his lap and he carried me up stairs to his room.

Next day

I was dressed up in a white shirt and black skinny jeans with my high heeled boots. My hair was (up or down idc) and I had a little bit of make up on.

Katsu just wore a tight black shirt that shows off his muscles and jeans with tennie shoes.

He drove to the airport and we walked in with a sign. It said Livian L/n in big black letters. When I saw her she had the same hair color as me and she wore a white button up long sleeve and a black skirt. I quickly felt excited and ran to her, giving her a huge hug.

"Hi mom!" I said excitedly.

"Hey kiddo how are you!?" She said putting me down.

"I'm good Katsu is here!" I said happily.

"Who's Katsu?" She had a puzzled look on her face.

"My boyfriend." Just as I said that Katsu walks up to me and holds my hand.

"Oh its you!" She said happily.

"Nice to see you." He said holding the sign.

"Nice to see you too."

Later we all walked to her house and helped her unpack. I had to leave later on top go back to Katsu's house. We all said our goodbyes and walked to his house.

I'm so sorry I haven't been updating I have writers block also Happy holidays is late Christmas. I'm so so sorry plz forgive me my beautiful readers!!!! I will try to update more I promise!!!

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