Chapter 10:

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I woke up with a little head ache and still in the clothes from last night. I was cuddled with Katsu-Kun who was snoring lightly. I got up and grabbed some clothes for school. I took a hot bath and changed into the new clothes not smelling like alcohol.

I grabbed a bag with my phone and shit I will need and walked downstairs. For once I was hungry so I made something simple. Bacon and pancakes. I ate and took some painkillers for my head ache. I waited for Katsuki and walked out together.

"So last night was strange even for you." He said as we walked to school. "Whats up with you and Dylan's hair?" He looked over to me as I smiled slightly.

"I do many things when in drunk. Such as: wanting to touch Dylan's hair, dancing with strange people, um... Oh eating many sweats, and my favourite I start talking about potato mafias. Once I threw a potato at a random person." I said smiling.

"What will I ever do with you?" Katsuki chuckled and we kept walking.

When we got to school I walked into class to be greeted by our squad. We all sat down and waited for sensei Aizowa to come in. When he finally came in he discussed what we will be doing on the trip and told us to leave. We all changed into our training clothes from our lockers.

I was one of the first people on the buss meaning I could sit in the back. Everyone started getting on. Katsuki sat with me and I could care less for everyone else. I took out my phone and started playing my heavy metal playlist. 'Hopefully I won't fall asleep again while listening to heavy metal.' I thought as I looked out the window.

When we got there I put up my phone and got off the buss with everyone else. In front of us were the three pussy cats. I was so hungry I didn't pay much attention. Well until the around shifted and we fell.

"Ahhh!" I screamed. 'Wait I have fire.' I thought. I was about to shoot fire from my palms to steady my fall but Katsuki grabbed me and used his explosions to land on the ground. He wrapped one arms around my waist while I held onto his neck. We landed safely on the ground. "Thank you Katsu-Kun." He nodded and looked around. I did the same and saw many people moving forward. I shrugged and walked into the woods. 'This will be fun.' I thought. Before I could think this would get worse a giant monster made of mud shows up. We all got into combat mode.

Aisowa's POV

"Does it bother you that one of your students has a villain for a father?" Rag doll asked me. I was too tired to answer anything.

"I don't care I know she wants nothing to do with villains." I said lazily.

"You ding know that hell she could have been the one to tell the villains about the USJ." Pixie Bob said almost raising his voice.

"Her first day of school was on that day. She didn't know anything about it." I said sipping myself up in my yellow sleeping bag.

"Are you sure like she could be a spy." Mandaline said. I face palmed when I heard this.

"For the last time in not worried and you should not be worrying right now." They looked at each other and nodded.

"Fine but if she crosses us then she will be punished." Rag doll said. I rolled my eyes and fell asleep.

Your POV

"Ahh!" I screamed as I was almost hit by a dragon made from mud. I quickly used my flames and attacked the dragon.

Time skip because I'm a lazy bitch

When we got there it was already sundown and I was a panting mess. I sat down at the table we were eating at and started hording my plate with food. I was eating when Katsuki took some of my chicken. I turn my head to him with fire in my eyes.

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