Dear my past happiness,

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Hey, its been 1 year since we separated our ways. Its been 1 year since I finally understood why this happened.

If I'd be given a chance to meet you again, I'll grab the chance to tell you how thankful I am for choosing to break us apart. I owe you a thank you because I've realised a lot after the break up. I realised that I've been very selfish, self centered and has a tower of pride.

To sum it all up, I am not yet ready for handling a relationship. I still need to grow as an individual. I still has a lot of things to learn. I'm still dependent, still can't learn to trust other people especially you, still I'm a wanderer. I'm still on the process of finding who I really am, what is my purpose in life, what is the life I want, and I am still on the process of creating a stepping stone towards my future, a stable one. Stable financially, emotionally, physically and mentally.

Thanks a lot for breaking up with me. I realised, I am not yet ready for any serious relationship. I'm still young I still wanted to explore many capabilities and possibilities as a young wanderer.

Day by day and as months passed by, I've grown to love the place where you left me alone, broken and scared. I'm loving it here. I'm hoping for that day to come that I can look back on our memories without shedding a tear and no bitterness inside me. I'm hoping for the best.

Good bye feelings and good bye to the old us.

The Girl You Left Behind

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