have you ever felt alone ?

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Have you ever felt alone even when you're beside him? It's like when you discuss your days, he only shares a part of his and leaves the rest hanging. He talks to you nearly every day, yet it feels like a mere routine for him. If he's free, he engages, but if he's busy, he doesn't bother to let you know he won't be available.

I deeply yearn for someone who can provide me with a sense of support, even across the miles that separate us. I'm the type of person who values emotional intimacy more than just physical connections. I envision a relationship where both partners instinctively understand when to console and uplift each other, where the right words come naturally. It's about delving into each other's thoughts and emotions. While we can't exactly read another person's mind, knowing them well allows us to detect shifts in their tone, hear excitement in their voice, and recognize concern in their eyes. Perhaps I'm one of those individuals seeking a classic, old-fashioned love in today's modern world.

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