When The Spark Was Gone

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At first, falling in love is easy. You feel like everything around you sparkles and everyone around you smiling or sad doesn't bother you anymore because you are inside the happy zone bound by love.

It feels like a missing puzzle in your life been completed because someone came and sweep your feet away just like in the romantic cheesy movies you watched. When a prince charming confessed to the princess what he felt and luckily the princess feels that same feelings and the next thing is they will kiss their hearts away like everything's gonna be okay and no one's gonna break them apart.

I was like that before. Until, every guy who came into my life taught me a lesson that sometimes you gotta be your own knight in shinning armor because not every girl has the same prince charming who won't leave them no matter what happens or no matter who will stop and break them apart.

In reality we ain't Juliet who has a Romeo who will die for her. We ain't have a Jack who will love you till his last breath. Because sometimes we ain't have that much of a luck. So we gotta stop thinking about fairytales and start living in reality. In reality, we give all our love, our time, we may share a year, a few months with the one we promise to love forever and yet still it ain't enough for him to stay. Because at the end of the day you will still be left with only a memories that haunt you every minute, everytime you close your eyes and everytime you passed by a McDonalds drive thru you will find yourself shedding a tear. Trust me it hurts like hell. Because just yesteday you were both happy, smiling and kissing like it is the best thing to do until he realized to end things with you just because the spark was gone and you get into fights more often for the past few months.

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