Stuck In The Friend Zone

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Stuck In The Friend Zone
Andrea Nuñez

Sometimes my gaze flew upon you
Thinking and stealing glances.

I always ask myself, why did you become my friend?

Why did we crossed paths and became friends. Over the billions of people in this world, why you of all people?

It would be better if we stay just friends. It would be an advantage to both of us because friendship doesn't have break up, there is no drama, and we can stay together as friends forever.

But why?

Why did we end up like this?

I lost my track and started to see you the other way around. I started to treat you more than just friends.

Is it a sin?

Is it a sin to fall in love with my supposed to be best friend? Is it my sin to fall for your sweetness, your hugs, your voice, the way you take me to a world where only you and I can understand? Is it a sin to treat you more than just what we are now?

It wouldn't be an issue if suddenly I'll ignore you. It wouldn't be an issue if suddenly I'll get angry at you for you to hate me. It wouldn't mean all those things, but sadly it would be an issue if I suddenly change.

I can't ignore you, I can't get angry at you because you knew me too well it wouldn't be easy for you to hate me.

Because you are my best friend and that's the problem.

How to escape this puzzle?

How can I forget my growing feelings for you?

I know you only see me as your best friend. I accepted the truth a long time ago that's why I wanted to forget this sickening feelings I have for you before it will destroy what we have right now, what we have cherished till now.

So as an escape, I tried to stay away from you. Until my feelings won't fade away.

It isn't easy but it is for the best.

The more I see you and the more I am with you my feelings keeps on growing deeper and deeper. I'm afraid I can't get away that's why I ran away before things get worse.

I'll come back when the time will come that I can bring back the best friend you always knew.

I'll come back when the time will come that I can bring back the best friend you always knew

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