Maybe It Wasn't Love We Are Afraid Of

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Perhaps it wasn't the feeling of love itself.
Perhaps it wasn't the individual involved.
Perhaps it was the ache that came with caring deeply.
Perhaps we're simply apprehensive about experiencing abandonment once more.
Perhaps we're afraid of losing our identity to a degree where our self-worth is questioned, inadvertently causing self-inflicted pain.
Perhaps it was those sleepless nights, attempting to decipher where things went awry.
Perhaps it was the dread of revisiting everything we'd painstakingly moved past.

You can't be faulted for any of this.
You've weathered numerous trials, experiences they may never comprehend. You've faced these challenges single-handedly, shaping the person you've become today. You've acknowledged and reconciled with these moments.

You're not averse to the notion of love, but you're cautious about stumbling and encountering heartache once more. You're wary of revisiting the chaos you've already conquered. That's absolutely fine. Take the time you need. Prioritize your emotions, mental well-being, and the life you've diligently reconstructed. No one will hold it against you for putting yourself first. You've given your all for so long; now it's time to prioritize yourself. You've prevailed. You're stronger than yesterday, more courageous, and possess a greater capacity for love.

We're apprehensive, and that's perfectly acceptable. It simply signifies that we hold a higher regard for our own well-being than ever before.

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