Chapter 2: Blind Chase

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If you think me walking into a random portal to a different world is weird, it isn't. Last time I landed in Doctor Who, nice guy he was, really understanding. Anyway, to explain shortly.

I'm blind.

Gasp, right? Its not really that strange, I can pretty much sense everything so it isn't that big a deal. I'm walking down the street aimlessly right now, I don't really have anywhere to be.... I better find some place to stay and figure out what world I'm in.

I've been here for 3 months. 3 annoyingly long months! I still don't even know what show I'm in and I can't find any Nutella! What type of world is this?!

I've been killing some guards around the castle that have gone rogue. I can tell they've done something wrong because of their pulses in the ground. Its annoying when they have a good partner. Either way, I haven't been caught and I hide my face with a silky cloth. Like an Egyptian princess. Literally, I wear the belly dancer outfit but a fancy cloth on my face.

I've heard that I'm called the Psychotic Wisp. No one knows why I kill and I only explain to the ones who deserve to die. They all think I'm crazy, they also don't know I'm blind. I keep my eyes trained ahead of me or on the ground at all times, not wanting people to know I'm blind. I don't care but its better for now.

"I haven't seen you around much." I hear a sneaky voice comment and I blink at the girl before me. "I've been here for months." I deadpan. "Oh really? I hadn't noticed." I can tell she shrugs and I sweat-drop. She throws a arm around my shoulder. "I'm Leone, you?"

I sigh and push her arm off, "not interested." She chuckles, "you seem like a good kid. Where's your family?" I tense a little, "taken by the capitol?" She continues, trying to use my body language against me. "Sure...What do you want from me?" I ask and she let's out a ringing laugh. "Straight to the point, I like. You see a gross looking man around here?"

I roll my eyes and shake my head. "No, if that's all..." I stop short when I realize her pulse is that of a killer. "I have to go." I cut shortly. "Hm? Okay! See you around!" She laughs heartily and runs off. I furrow my brow and head into an alley, changing quickly into my killing outfit.

I jump to the roofs and hop over each one, searching for that girl. Finally I find her with another girl, cornering a man. I narrow my eyes and watch...or sense rather.

The man is even worse than the girls. The other girl with her has a deadly aura around her and Leone has animal intent, less than the other girl but still bad. The man is killed quickly and I narrow my senses on the girls. "You can come out now." The girl speaks. I blink but walk out of my hiding place.

"Its funny, I didn't sense you but Akame did." Leone comments then her eyes widen. "Wait, you're the Psychotic Wisp." Leone exclaims and unsheathes her claws. I take a step back but don't waver. "Maybe I am.....what's it to you...?" I question softly, making sure my voice isn't the same as the one in the market.

"What are you doing here?" Leone asks, the Akame girl grips her sword tightly. "Simple, why'd you kill the man?" I retort coldly. "He was killing innocent people," Leone answers. "Oh, okay." I respond and turn away. "Now that you've seen us we have to kill you." I blink behind my empty eyes behind my cloth.

"No," I reply shortly. The Akame girl comes ate quickly but I anticipate her movements and dodge, not taking her sword. I hear Leone gasp behind me, now I'm between the two. Akame looks unfazed and attacks again. This time, I flip over her and run off. When I realize they're in pursuit, I push myself faster.

Every twist and turn, I take note of, remembering to zigzag. That'll mess up Leone's tracking senses. When I don't hear them anymore, I stop and take a deep breath. "Done yet?" I hear and jump, taking off once again. 'You'd think they'd just give up.' My legs carry me even farther until I'm pretty positive I've lost them.

"That was so troublesome..." I mutter and pull off my hair covering. "Well its good to see a part of you." I hear Leone's voice snicker and I get into battle stance. "What do you want from me?" I growl. She and the Akame girl both drop to the ground. Now I realize those soft patters on the rooftops weren't rain, it was them.

"I have to brush up on my senses," I mutter, thinking of how long its been since I've actually fought. "Like I said, we can't exactly let you go." I clench my fists, "then a fight is what you want?" I feel her pause. "Your voice.....I know you." I tense up but raise my hands. "Yeah? Now you don't." I retort and attack.

End of Chapter~

Thanks so much for reading peoples!! I lurve my Delirious Nutellas so much and hope you enjoy my story! Ja ne~!

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