Book Two

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"L-Lubba...?" I ask almost inaudibly. "C-Chīsana?" He stutters, pulling away from the woman he was....touching. "Its not what it looks li-." I feel tears fill my eyes and take off my ring, placing it in his hand. "I knew, life never turns out right for me... You don't have to marry me. I hope you're both very h-happy t-tog-get-."

I stop and run off, 'I was a fool....I knew this couldn't be true. It was all going so perfectly....'


"Ah....Nikumu, the connection between all dimensions. The rumors are true then. She will be powerful if she can figure out her...heh, gift I suppose. Time to bring comfort to a lonely girl. If we have to exploit her a little along the way...what's the harm done?" The man chuckles turning to two figures.

"Go fetch me my weapon."

When something makes Wisp run, who's there for her? Old and new appearances will happen in this new book. It'll be filled with action, drama-like-a-llama-romance and adventure. Make sure you take into account, Wisp isn't dumb and she definitely doesn't know everything. Question is, can Wisp overcome her obstacles and be with Lubba? Even with a new love rival

Find out in, '(Comment Idea Names)?!'

End of Preview

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Lollies at the top/side are yummy! ~>

Reaper- Addicted. *pops lollie in mouth*

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