1 Minute to Fight

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I wake up slowly, touching my face lightly. 'Someone...was here....who?' I think to myself, when I was asleep, someone had come in but it was through the window, who is it? I turn my head to the door as it opens. "Oh you're up!" Leone shouts happily.

I blink and nod, "yeah." I sit up and grimace. "Yeah you got stabbed and shouldn't move." I give her the, 'you should've said that first' look. "I don't care. I'm going to train." Chelsea enters the room, hearing what I said. "No way, you have to rest." I roll my eyes and stand up, wobbling slightly. "Someone get Lubba."

Najenda enters as well, the rest following. "Is she still trying to train?" She asks Leone. I'm guessing Leone nods, "I am fine. I need to train." Najenda is quiet before her arm comes at me with a punch, I take it head on. Catching it with my hand and holing onto it, not even showing my pain. I had caught it with the hand on the side I was injured with.

"Alright." I feel my hope rise, "if you can last against Susanoo for more than a minute." I nod, turning to Susanoo. "Shall we take this outside?" We all walk outside. "Begin!" Najenda orders and Susanoo lunges at me quickly. I roll to the side, 'what gives me the upper hand.....his OCD!' I smirk inwardly and kick the ground hard, leaving a crater.

50 seconds left.

"Hey Susanoo, the ground isn't perfect." I taunt, he knows my strategy but has a hard time trying to fight it. I kick him in his chest as he's thinking, effectively kicking him through a wall. "Wisp!" Tatsumi yells, I keep a blank face. Waiting for him to make his move.

Susanoo comes out the wall quickly, forgetting about the mess.

30 seconds left.

I dodge him and dive to my left. It seems he was planning on that because he swung his weapon at me. I propel myself backwards by landing on my hand and flipping, sliding across the ground in a crouch when I land. I don't have time to think when he attacks again. 'He's trying to keep me from focusing. What is his plan?' I dodge attack after attack, gritting my teeth. I'm putting too much stress on my wound.

15 seconds.

Then next time he attacks, I grab his weapon, yanking it from his hands. I stab it into the ground and swing around it to kick his chest. I see him about to get up and I throw his weapon like a spear, a skill I stole from Lubba. Susanoo gets hit and dust flies up around him.

9 seconds.

I keep my focus on the rubble he is under, I don't want a surprise attack. I'm sent flying from a kick to my back. 'How?!' I think frantically, flipping so I land on my feet. "You focused to hard on where I was. I jumped so you couldn't sense me, you're air senses are weak and I knew that." I grit my teeth and calm myself. 'I can't be hotheaded.' I stand up shakily in defiance.

"I'm not losing." I state firmly and charge again, moving so fast he can't see me. I run around him fast, a tornado style, throwing random punches and kicks without a pattern. Each time he either dodges or gets hit. I don't want to put him in the infirmary, but I'm going to kick his butt for calling me weak.

The timer goes off and I ignore it, planting a hand on the ground and kicking his chin. He flies into the air and I flash behind him, slamming my foot into his back. "Enough!" I hear Najenda and stop, standing off to the side as she helps him up. "I am not weak." I spit. "I never called you weak....I told you your weakness...helping you conquer it."

How the Heck Did I Land Here? ~Akame ga Kill fanficWhere stories live. Discover now