Fight to the Death

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I dodge as Esdeath tries to attack me with ice shards. I try to use my imperial arms but she creates columns of ice spears, sending them at me at an incredible speed. 'At this rate, she'll hit me before I can do anything.' I sigh and do a twist flip through the small pieces of ice aimed at me.

I gasp as I see her run at me with her sword drawn. I curse and kick the sword with my foot, using air bending to cushion it before I flip away. What? I never said I didn't learn other bending. I widen my eyes in panic when she kick me into three trees. "Gah!" I hiss and stand up quickly, searching frantically for where she went.

I feel her above me at the last second and dodge, getting a deep cut on my arm. 'What's wrong with me?!' I think and then my eyes widen. "Never become panicked in a fight. If you do, your senses will become useless." Kirito and Toph's words echo in my mind. I had trained with both for a while.

I stop moving, making Esdeath slice the tree in half, an inch from my head. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, knowing I only have a moment, and calm myself down. When I open my eyes, I see everything more clearly but also I don't see anything. "What the-? What the heck is wrong with your eyes?!"

I hear Esdeath's shout and tilt my head, a split second later, I'm behind her. She gasps and then grunts in pain as I kick her through five trees. Payback. I land on the ground in a crouch, I run my hand over my dagger and mumble a trick Erza taught me. My dagger becomes a double sided scythe and I grimace from the thought of Nikumu.

'Let me help,' I hear Nikumu's voice and shake my head. I snap the scythe in half and it becomes a dark red and dark blue. I raise them in a cross, taking a wave of ice head on. I cut through the wave and throw one of my scythes, "lesson 1 Imouto! Never throw your weapon!" She dodges and I smirk, attacking me to the scythe is a chain.

I tug on the chain and it swings the scythe, makonging it wrap around Esdeath. "Lesson 2, I've been taught by the best." I growl and yank the chain, tightening it. She thinks quickly and uses her ice to freeze my chains, not breaking it but allowing her a moment to escape.

I retract my scythe, breaking the ice. "You are better than I had thought." She brings her sword down and I block it with my scythe. At the last second, my arms weaken and I move away quickly. "Not enough!" She shouts and we clash weapons. I start running, "never run away from a fight!" She chases after me.

I slide behind a tree, "don't hide from me. Accept the death of you're too weak to fight!" I grit my teeth, that word again. Weak. I shake it off, I can't focus on that right now. I concentrate and activate my imperial arms. "No, no, no, no!" I hiss when I see I activated my trump card by mistake.

"Found you!" She tries to kill me and I roll out of the way. "What's going on?!" I shout and dodge another attack, she's not giving me time to think. I move as quick as I can, she's attacking me nonstop. I block and dodge a series of kicks, punches, ice and sword attacks.

I didn't have time to think, until I heard Lubba scream. My attention is drawn away, I try to see what's wrong but Esdeath takes advantage and attacks me with a wave off ice, sharp and half my size. I growl and jump, doing a flip before I land on top. I run across the ice, straight to Esdeath.

I'm pissed, no one hurts my boyfriend and if they do...there'll be more than Hell to pay. I hadn't noticed my two scythes become engulfed in black flames but Esdeath did. I jump and use all my momentum in a clash between our swords. Her grips struggles after a moment and the black flames travel up my arms.

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