Figuring Out Lubba and....Imouto?

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Today I decided to go to the river Sheele once took me to. Sure, its close to base and yeah I could be seen but I've been putting it off for too long now. I sit in front of the river, leaning against a tree and listening to the sound of flowing water. "I thought I might find you here one day." I nod but don't move.

"Trying to kill me again, Jen-Chan?" I ask, without opening my eyes. "No, actually I want to apologize. Thinking over what you said, I realized, maybe you do have a point." I tilt my head and smirk, "maybe?" She chuckles and sits next to me, "okay you were right. I was really suspicious of you, even after all the time you spent at Night Raid. Though, we don't have any records on you and you sort of just appeared."

I nod, "yeah....sorry bout that. I bet me constantly saying the future doesn't help things either, does it?" Najenda puts a hand on my shoulder, "so will you come back?" I lean my head on the tree, "no." I feel her shock, "I'll walk back by myself. Just be sure to tell everyone the news before I'm attacked. I want to spend a little more time here."

She pats my head, "alright. See you back at base Wisp." I nod and she walks off, leaving me to my thoughts. "I'm not really a flower person. Heh," I say and put my hand on my neck before getting serious. "Sheele....Bulat....are you mad at me now?" I question nothing as if I'll get an answer. It gets cool quickly and night falls. I place a hand in the water. "You said thank you to me but really..." I trail off and run a hand through my hair.

Standing up, I brush myself off. "Bye guys and thanks again for accepting me." I bow with my eyes closed. I feel a hand on my head and arms around me, my eyes flash open. "No way...." I thought that could only happen with Tatsumi! I smile, time to go for real. Turning I head back to base.

"Guess who's back?!" I shout happily as I walk inside. "Wisp!" I feel Leone hug me as well as Mine and Akame. "What boys? Didn't miss me?" Though, I'm slight surprised about Mine. "Too manly?" I continue and Tatsumi breaks. "Yay! Real hugs are awesome." I say with a laugh and I'm finally released. "Welcome back to Night Raid, Wisp."

I have a smirk and nod to her, "glad to be back Najenda." I start to walk off when someone stops me, "no way. Party time." Leone announces and I laugh. "Fine by me." I shrug, "just give me a sec to put my stuff in my room." I walk off and go to my room, putting down my bag. "Its funny, I don't even know what my room looks like. Right Lubbock?" I ask, turning to face his heartbeat.

"I don't get you. You have no respect for anyone and you know everything, how?" He asks, ignoring my previous comment. "Well Lubba, if you hadn't noticed, I have respect for people who earn it. As for how I know, I can't tell you." He puts wires all around me, "why?! You're putting everyone at risk!"

I shake my head, "if I tell you then you'd be at risk. Understand that I know things and stop getting so frustrated about the unknown. You don't know every fish in the sea and you don't over think it, so don't over think me."

He drops his attack, "I just...don't want anyone else to die." I walk over to him and put a hand on his shoulder, 'he is taller than me?!' I shake the thought off so I can sulk later, "people die and people live. Can't change that fact. Why does everyone hate death but love life? Answers we don't know but things that come naturally. Live a little Lubba."

I ruffle his hair, which is weird because I'm a head smaller than him. "Hey!" He pulls away and fixes his hair and goggles, "you can't touch what the ladies all want." I walk past him and bump our hips together, "we both know its all you and Jen-Chan." I laugh and bolt as he chases after me. "Wisp!!!"

"Tatsumi and Wisp, do you two want to join the tournament." I shrug and nod as Tatsumi goes into details. "Why'd you accept so easily Wisp?" Tatsumi asks me later when we're near the arena. "I like fighting, fighting likes me." I feel him sweat-drop as I get out the carriage.

"Wilt vs Reyon!"

I sigh, 'why'd we go with Wilt again? Oh yeah, idiots know my assassin name.' I stand in front of this huge girl. "Sweetie just drip out now." I sigh, "BEGIN!" She attacks me and I immediately kick her in the stomach. Reyon flies across the arena and hits the wall with a loud thud. Everything is silent.

"Winner is Wilt!" The crowd goes wild and Tatsumi steps down to fight me. "Stop!" Esdeath orders, "both of you win!" I blink in surprise. 'No way.... She's only supposed to take Tatsumi!' Tatsumi looks confused, "that means we don't have to fight brother!" I grin and hug Tatsumi.

"You two are siblings?" She asks and Tatsumi shakes his head. "No, we're just really close. Promise, Susu isn't my type anyway." I say and she accepts that. "Here's your rewards." I am about to move away but the collar clamps on my neck as well. "N-Nani?!" Tatsumi yells. "You two are too cute!"

I feel my eye twitch, 'cute...?' I pull away but before I can, Tatsumi gets our pressure points hit.

I wake up, "'re a baka." I say groggily. "I see your awake Wilt." I bolt up, hearing Esdeath's voice. "Wh-Why am I here?" I play the part of being scared fairly well. "Because you're so cute! You'll be my new little sister!!" I'm engulfed in a hug.

Processing in:


"Nani?!" I shout. "Yup! You are so kawaii." She presses her cheek to mine and my eye twitches. "I've always wanted to have an Imouto." She looks over at Tatsumi. "And she's like your little sister already." Then she grins as I cringe. "We could be a family!" I try to crawl away, only to be pulled back by the chain.

"We are going on a mission together!" I claw at the collar around my neck as she drags me, Tatsumi already has his off of him. Lucky bastard.

End of Chapter~

Helllooo my beautiful Delirious Little Nutellas!

Reaper- *smacks back of my head*


Reaper- How many times have I told you not to call Reader-Chan that?!

Um.....*starts counting on fingers*

Reaper- *slaps my head again* It wasn't a question!


Reaper- *shakes his unicorn head* sometimes...





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