Bonus Chapter Part 1

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I sit with the rest of Night Raid at the dining table. "Yo, I gotta go." I say, putting down my empty bowl. "Go where?" Najenda asks and I clench my fists, thinking of what crimes they've committed. "I have something I have to stop right now and I'll tell you what it is when I get back."

My anger rises more when I think about what that group did to Bols wife and kid. "I'll let you go, I'm guessing it has something to do with helping Night Raid correct?" I shrug at Najenda's guess. "It'll help the citizens of the city and get my name around a little more." I reply and she thinks for a moment. "Alright."

I smile and some object but I ignore them, "see you all later!" I wave and jump out the window. "What's with you and windows?!" I hear from the base and I shout back, "the door and me aren't friends! Besides the window's got weird smexiness on his side!" I shout with a laugh and continue running, becoming serious again.

'Wild hunt....'

After I get to the capitol, I look around. Seeing Shura, I almost attack but melt into the shadows instead. "We have a search permit, anyone who resists will be defying the capitol." Shura announces when I enter from the back. "You're so cute! This little child is mine!" I jump in front of the kid that is backed against the wall.

"Dream again whores and hoes." I growl in front of him. "What's this? Another child!" I kick him so hard he flies through a couple of walls. "Champ!" A girl shouts and I roll my eyes. "How dare you go against us!" I place my hands on my hips. "Baka, you don't recognize me. I'm the Psychotic Wisp."

Shura grins, "then we should arrest her." I cross my arms at the girl, Cosmina, I always hated how she stole my imperial arms. I feel her pull out her mic and start to yell into it. "And you can't sing! Gosh, why'd they let you steal my idea!" I pout under my veil as they look surprised at how ineffective that was.

"Let me taste her blood!" I dodge as a girl comes at me with bloodlust. "Back off." I kick at her but she catches my leg. She's about to bite me but I grab her hair, easily pulling her off and throwing her in the air, kicking her through the ceiling. "Next," I ask with a smirk. Shura steps forward and attacks me.

I dodge his attack and twist kick him. "You little!" He growls and jumps back up. I take a punch from him head on and catch his hand, twisting it so that his bone cracks. "Gah!" He shouts in pain as I move away from him, just in time to see the moon guy, I never bother to remember his name, take a swipe at me.

"Watch it bub, I'm precious merchandize!" I slide under his sword that attacks me, being careful not to hurt any of the people. I kick the dude in his stomach, making him squirm in pain when he lands. "All of you go through the back! He has someone stationed at the front!" I order the people in the room.

I hit Champ with my elbow and bite vampire girl, hurling her across the room. The people start streaming out the back as I fight Wild Hunt. "Get out of here kid," I order the child behind me as I steal the mic from Cosmina. "I'm bout to steal the show babies!" I laugh and tuck the imperial arms in my bra.

"Now, let's have a nice clean fight-." I get punch in the face by Shura and I stand up quickly, spitting out blood. "Oh you're so gonna regret that." I slam my foot into the ground as the crazy sword guy enters the room. The doors become sealed with rock, as well as the holes. "Ha, you just trapped yourself in here!" Shura taunts and I smirk.

Performing the hand signs, I smile and wave before I poof away. 'If they die, they die. I'll stay around awhile longer though.' I think to myself.

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