Bonus Chapter Part 2

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I sit in the infirmary. "I hate this room." I growl, feeling around me and noticing Najenda's heartbeat in the room. (A/N: She's blind still.)

"What's going on?" She asks, knowing Najenda would tell her so that Wisp doesn't start rushing around to figure it all out. "Tatsumi and Lubbock are headed on information gathering." Najenda explains and I sit up. My chakra was almost depleted, that girl's bite isn't very friendly, my body was crushed slightly by Champ's weight and a few other things.

"I going to go." I say, standing up. "No you can-." I stop her. "Its just information gathering." I say with a smirk. "I'll be fine Jen-Chan." She sighs and probably rolls her eyes. "I am going to regret this but you may go with them." I cheer and smile.

A while later, me and the two boys meet up. "Welp I have no info." I state with a smile and they sweat-drop. I wait for the right time, "got you!" Shura shouts and uses his imperial arms to teleport us. "Well that was a whole trip for nothing." I state. My face looks different because of all the makeup on it.

I have a golden colored glitter covering my eyes with a gold eye-shadow. I'm wearing a brunette wig, styled into a messy side ponytail. My blue contacts are in because someone destroyed my purple ones. So I look like a completely different person, that way I'll be taken with Lubba. Yeah, yeah shut up, I'll save his butt.

"A trap!" I'm too busy focused on my opponent to care who said that. 'I can't act like myself. Maybe I should be weaker. Yeah.' I let myself get hit with the blunt of the blood thirsty sword. Feeling my conscious fading, I make sure to listen for the heartbeats. They won't kill any of us...yet.

When I wake up, me and Lubba are tied up in a standing position. I'm on one side of the room and he's on my other. "Ugh..." I groan, talk about a head ache. Since I'm not with Tatsumi, they most not have removed my disguise.

"I see your girlfriend is finally awake." Shura comments, I can barely feel where he is, my feet aren't on the ground. "We were just getting to the fun part. What's your name? I've never seen you before." Shura questions, coming closer to me. "I'm Mizu." I answer with a blank face and glare at where I know he is.

"Well Mizu, I suggest you tell me where Night Raid's hideout is." I tilt my head, "are you, talking to me? Well there's nobody else here so you must be talking to me." I can tell he's already annoyed. "Your the only one name Mizu in here." He replies. "But my name isn't Mizu." I retort and I already know this is gonna be fun.

"You just said-." I cut him off, "nope! Haha that's not my name~!" I giggle and feel his irritation. "Then what is your name?" He asks in annoyance. "Serene." I answer with another blank face. "Are you lying again?" He asks and I smirk. "Good boy! You're learning!" I reply with a laugh. I grimace when my stomach is punched.

"Not so funny now is it?" He asks and turns to Lubba, "what's her name?" I can tell Lubba doesn't want to but he follows my lead. "She'll tell you if she wants to, its not my job." He retorts and I feel Shura go to hit him. "Gah!" He shouts, I smell blood. "Chill out Shura or I'll kill you myself." I growl.

"So now you're serious? I wonder if he has as much care for you as you do him?" Shura ponders aloud, walking to me. "Let's test it, shall we?" I feel a knife go through my leg and I hiss. "No scream, huh? Not even a large reaction from your comrade." He tsks and I glare at him. "High pain tolerance right here Shura. Come at me hoe."

His anger rises and I'm punched across the face. 'I'm not lying about my pain tolerance. Its just that I still have my injuries to worry about.' I think to myself, spitting blood onto Shura's face. "Disrespectful little..." He digs his nails into the wound he created and I choke on a scream. "Doesn't feel too good does it?" He whispers in my ear.

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