Impersonating a Princess, Not My Forte

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"You want me to what?" My tone is disbelieving as I speak with Najenda. "You have to kill a young queen that has been murdering her people recently, then infiltrate the capitol. If you can, kill the prime minister." My jaw is dropped, "say what now?" This has to be a prank or something.

"Did Chelsea put you up to this? I promise I'll never spike her food with hot sauce again." I try to negotiate. "You did that?!" She basically screams at me and I flinch. "No, she did not. I am serious, if you do this, this will be a great improvement for the revolutionary army." I sigh and put my hands on my face, "ya know this could be suicide for me right?" I reply.

"That's why I chose you," I can feel her smirking. "Don't worry, Lubbock and Chelsea will be disguised as your personal guards." I smirk and stand up. "Let's get this show on the road then." I accept the mission. 'I'll have to do this carefully, if I make a mistake, I die or mess up the plot. What a drag. My main mission is to kill that queen.' I think to myself.

"Hey, hold old is the hag anyway?" The thought struck me as strange, young? "She's about the emperor's age." My face becomes filled with disbelief, I dunno the age of the kid but from the sound of his voice he sounded pretty young. "And this girl has been killing citizens for no reason?"

"Yes, mostly girls but also any boy that has broken up with her." I sigh, "so the crazy jealous type eh?" Shaking my head, I walk out the room. "I'll be waiting in the front when they're ready."

Turns out, I have to wear makeup. I'm playing as her sister, a princess. Great. -_- I hate makeup. Thankfully Chelsea will only put it on after the assassination. We're following the carriage the girl is in. I walk out in front of it and stop, bringing fake tears to my eyes. "Who are you?" A guard asks.

"P-Please... I'm l-lost and I don't kn-know where I am...please help me." I cry, wiping tears from my eyes. "What's the hold up?!" A squeaky voice shouts from the carriage box and I cringe. "There seems to be a lost child, my queen." The guard that asked me the question replied. "Bring her here!" She orders and I feel disgusted already, a brat.

The guard takes my hand, I feel him pulling up his mask to smile at me. "You! Why is your mask down?!" The girl shouts at him. "I'm only making her feel better my queen." He answers. I feel something wet on my face, blood. The girl had stabbed him with a sword. "Your face is not allowed to be in my presence, peasant."

I grit my teeth, she is so dead now. I feel her grab my hand and pull me into the carriage, closing the door. "Hmm, I'll take you to the capitol and let them find your parents I suppose. Since you aren't a part of my people." I hear silence outside, the job must be done. "Thank you so much!" I shout with a smile and hug her.

"Get off of-!" She stops, feeling my hand in her throat. "Don't be so cruel to your people next time, bitch." I say in her ear and pull away, letting the blood pour out her wound. "Lubba! Chelsea! Y'all ready?!" I shout and the door opens, "yes your majesty." I laugh at Lubba's joke and feel Chelsea enters the carriage.

"I've never tried to do this to another person. I'm not sure if it will work." She tells me and gets to work. After squirming and annoying orders later, I'm done. "You'd think I was giving her a torture session with how she was acting." I hear Chelsea comment but I ignore her. "And we're off!" I say with a smile, Lubba had to do clean up so nothing was expected.

We arrive at the palace, I'll call it that. I tense but loosen up quickly, 'never seem nervous.' I repeat in my head and pull on my accessories. I had to practice staring at people's faces quicker, I can't be blind on this mission. I used a purple eyed contact lenses for this mission.

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