We All Ship...Da Wubba!!- Anime Haven't We All Told You to Stop? +-+

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"Th-That hurts A-Akame!" I yelp in pain.

"It'll feel better soon." She replies calmly.

"B-But it h-hurts now!" I grip the sheets beneath me.

"Stay still." She orders and I groan again.

"Its not feeling better!" I shout, trying to move.

"Stop struggling." She orders.

"Get it out of me now!" I order.

"3, 2, 1-." She counts down until I cut her off.

"Ah~, much better." I moan happily.

"What's going on in-!" Lubbock bangs the door open. His gaze lands on me and Akame. Her tying up her stitches inside of my wound and placing a cold ointment on it. I was laying on the bed, my shirt off while I got my wound stitched up. "Lubbock...?" Akame questions as I pull the blankets over my upper body.

(A/N: What were you pervs thinking? ;))

"LEONE, LUBBA'S TRYING TO PERV ON ME!!!" I scream. Three seconds later, Leone has Lubba in a headlock. "What did she just say Lubbock...?" Leone growls. "I-It wasn't- ack!" He struggles as Leone strangles him. "Okay Leone, that's good. I think he's learned his lesson." I state, crossing my arms.

Hours later...

Akame and Tatsumi have just returned from town. "Hey guys. Akame, can I speak with you?" I ask when they're walking past me. "Yeah." She nods and I grab her hand, leaving Tatsumi standing there. I pull her into her room and take a seat.

"I'm guessing you got Kurome's message?" She nods, crossing her arms. "Don't question how I know this, just accept this." I state, brushing off the question I know she wants to ask me. "When you go to fight tonight....Don't change the plot. Please Akame, just don't. I can't tell you if you win or lose but I think you know the answer. Good luck."

I don't wait for her response and I walk out the room. "Tatsumi!" I call to him as he's walking down the hallway. "She's all yours." I walk off, ending up in my room. (Wubba scene alert! xD )

I sit on my bed and sigh, 'should I go to say goodbye to Kurome....? I mean I didn't hate her guts like Seryu.' I debate in my head and I'm knocked out my thoughts when I see Lubbock enter my room. "Lubba?" I question and he smiles. "What? I can't spend time with my girlfriend?"

I squeal when he picks me up, "oi! Put me down!" I blush as he places me in his lap. "Why would I do that..?" He mumbles, hugging me close. His face is buried into my neck and he plants a soft kiss on my collarbone, making me shiver. "I love you....so much..." He mumbles, kissing from my neck to my mouth.

"I love you t-." My lips are covered by his and my words are cut off. His lips move against mine and I cooperate. Pulling away, we both pant lightly. "That...was better than I had first thought." He mutters and I smile. "You baka, just kiss me again." Then I shudder, "there it goes again. Those lovey-dovey words making things all awkward."

He chuckles and pecks my lips, "no that's just you." I pout and he kisses my lips again, this time kissing me longer. His arms are around my waist and my arms are around his shoulders. "Nani? What are you doing Lubba?" I ask when he starts kissing down my neck and gets a little too low. "Since you're my girlfri-."

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