I Hate Kiro

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I wake up slowly and try to sit up. "Nani?" I mumble and look at the restraints on me. "What's going on?" I ask seriously, without a ounce of fear in my voice. "My house, do you like?" I feel my eye twitch, "I can't see baka." I continue to wonder where I am until I remember our battle. 'I lost!' I growl in my head and buck against the restraints, its not rope but not metal.

"Gah!" I hiss as the stress of moving, stretches my wound. "It's useless, unless I free you. Graphene, a bendable metal that's extremely strong. Not as strong as your friend's string but pretty close." I clench my fists, "its wire!" He laughs at my words, "aren't you going to scream and beg or even tell me how someone is going to 'save you'."

I roll my eyes, "I don't depend on others. I'll get out of here myself."

Lubbock's P.O.V

I sit in the debrief room with everyone else, except for Susanoo. (A/N: I didn't include assassination of Borick because I read the episode on the manga and that is different than the anime, only sightly.) I put my hands on my face. "Two team members...gone." I hear Tatsumi mumble.

"Wisp is not gone. She was taken, right Lubba?" Leone questions. "....She looked pretty beat up...." I say unsurely, earning me a slap to my head. "Baka! Wisp is strong!" Mine growls and I roll my eyes. "I know that!" I reply coldly. "So, who took her?" Tatsumi asks.

"His name is Kiro Satori. Age of 24, known to be a creep to any girls seemingly half pretty. Has the imperial arms, Shinkei shūryō. Also known as Nerves End, capable of controlling a human's senses as well as his own." Miss Najenda tosses a file on the table. The man I had seen attacking Wisp before is on it.

The man has choppy brown hair, Greg eyes with a dark look and looks much younger than 23. Like how Wisp looks younger than she really is but this guy looks like he might have figured out a way to stop aging. Not to mention he's obviously a bigger pervert than anyone I know.

"No wonder Wisp lost that battle, his imperial arms seems like it was made to go against her specifically." Leone comments. "What are we going to do?" Akame asks bluntly, we all know this hurts her more than anyone. Akame and Wisp may have small interaction at times but they are closer than sisters, especially when Akame is motherly towards Wisp.

"For now, I'm not sure. Its obvious Kiro is not from here, especially because he knew where the base was. The only thing we can really do is keep an eye out for him and send word to the resistance to keep an eye out. Until then, we have to keep up our assassination jobs." We all nod, knowing Miss Najenda has a point.

Weeks later...

Wisp's P.O.V

I hate this guy. He has me dressed as a servant and a shock collar is around my neck. What's worse is he has me dresses as a half wolf. He had tried to dress me up as a half cat but when he came near me I almost bit his hand off. I have layed low for a few weeks now, talk about annoying. I know where we are, because of our....walks.

We're near the palace, meaning near to the place Lubba is supposed to die. 'Can I....Can I really let that happen?' I've been debating this question for awhile now, knowing my time is running short.

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