Chapter 5: Wisp Is Literal

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I finish cooking with Akame and set the table while she serves the food. "I knew you were familiar!" I hear someone's voice shout and turn to them, Leone. "Say what?" Leone points at me excitedly, "you're the girl from the market!....but weren't your eyes blue?" I pause, that was definitely a mistake.

"Food's ready!" I shout, completely ignoring Leone's discovery. "Wow! There's actually fruit and vegetables!" I laugh at Lubbock's observation. We all take a seat at random. "Omnomnomnomnom!" Is the sound I make when I eat my food in under 2 minutes, not as fast as Akame. "I heard your eyes aren't the same color."

Najenda speaks and the table gets quiet. I play around with what's left of my food. "And?" I ask, she is glaring, I don't need sight to tell. "So what's your real eye color and how can you change it?" I look dead her, probably surprising everyone because I never stare at anything or anyone directly.

"If you must know, I prefer not to." I know she is keeping level with my gaze. "If you are to be a part of Night Raid, you have to." I place my hands on the table and stand up. "I agreed to join because Tatsumi was smart. I didn't agree to always show my true eyes. If you must know, I'm wearing contacts, something you all have never nor heard of most likely."

Najenda probably looks slightly surprised, my anger is high and I'm not focusing on anyone else. "At least tell us why." She orders and I clench my fists. "We all just need a reason," Bulat says. "Just answer the question," Leone tells me. "It can't be that bad," Lubbock says next. "SHUT UP!" I scream at them.

This is probably the first time in a while i be lost my cool. "You don't get it! To be looked at and be called a freak by everyone! To have the eyes of a monster! To be the odd one out in every single little thing you do! You don't understand!" I pant slightly after I yell at them.

"I would run right now, but I made a promise to be in this organization and I don't break promises. What you all need to understand is that before I let people see me, you have to gain my trust. Excuse me," I turn and leave the room.

The next morning, I get up slowly. "Today's the day Tatsumi has to wake Mine....right?" I think to myself. "Enemy's are trying to attack the base!" Tatsumi runs into my room and I face-palm. "Right....Anyway, Tatsumi, never forget to knock on a girls door." I order. "Uh...okay?" Luckily, I sleep in my assassin clothes so I can be up and running if needed.

"Let's go," I order and put on my shoes. "Don't you have a weapon?" Tatsumi asks. "I only need my hands and feet, weapons are for seeing." His heartbeat changes, "huh?" I push him, "come on." I drag him by his ear. "Hey! Ouch!" I let go and he drops to the ground, " I fighting or naw?"

Najenda probably has a calculating look based off the heartbeat waves I'm getting from her. "Yes, you'll prove your loyalty to this organization." I smirk, "sure Jen-Chan~." I laugh and sprint out the hideout, not waiting for a response.

I feel the anger, "hope Tatsumi isn't stupid enough to speak with her." A crash and my hopes are crushed. "Tch, should've taken the baka with me." I run into Bulat first. "Yo," I greet. "Hello....we still haven't gotten your name." I roll my eyes beneath my veil, "I give that to people that either gain my trust or respect. For now, call me Wisp."

He seems to accept my answer as Tatsumi arrives as well, "call me Wisp." Tatsumi nods but doesn't really question it as we take off again. I ignore their conversation and decide to go on my own. "Wisp! Where're you going!?" Tatsumi shouts. "I can tell there are more people than you all think and I'm going to get rid of the excess."

Tatsumi makes a sound of protest but Bulat stops him. "Thanks...Bro!" I decide to go on an psychic limb and freak Bulat out a little. I chuckle and hurry away. "They sent a little girl?" One of the men I walk out of the bushes asks. "She isn't even armored. Although, I really love the outfit." Another observes.

"P-Please don't hurt me....My Mommy and me got separated in the forest." I say in a childish voice, making sure to use my size to my advantage. "Sure we'll help, little girl." One of them approach me and I smirk. "Pervert!!!" I scream and kick upwards, x marks the spot and I smirk. The man yells in pain.

I know my kicks hurt and where I got him, he may not live through it. My assumption is right when the man's heartbeat stops. "NANI?! She killed him!" I giggle evilly. "Geez mister, you all are bad. Bad people like the Psychotic Wisp." My voice gets dark and they all gasp. "N-No way...."

I stab my hand straight through the first man's chest. The next person, I flip and kick his head so it snaps. The last man I take his sword from him and cut him in half. "That wasn't much fun...." I roll my eyes and toss the sword on the guys chest.

Mine's P.O.V

I stare in shock at the girl we just invited to join Night Raid. No wonder she's called Psychotic Wisp, the way she kills.... But I can tell this isn't her normal routine. She definitely didn't take any of these people even half seriously. "What....What the hell is this girl?!" I growl. Her gaze turns straight to me and she waves.

"Behi-!" Before I can even warn her, the person swings their sword down. She moved so that the guy that tried to hit her, doesn't even know she's gone when he stumbles into his own sword that she holds. "What? She moved so fast...his mind couldn't even process it." Sheele observes from next to me.

The girl tosses the sword to the ground, almost as if she was disgusted and walks off. "This is definitely going to be told to Boss." I say and we head back towards the base.

End of Chapter~

Yeah....I'm sick and throwing up but... Throw up breath smells gross. D:<





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