Chapter 3: Prisoner

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I can feel both their muscles tense as I charge. "As the Doctor would say... ALLONS-Y!" I shout and jump on top of a garbage can behind them both. "Again!?" I hear Leone shout of complaint and I smirk. "This really is getting annoying...." I mutter and land on the next rooftop, 'I have to get on land soon. I hate being airborne, reminds me that I'm blind.' I think to myself, checking for the next rooftop before I jump again.

This last roof, I feel for something to land on. I can get down by jumping from a few ledges. Then I sigh, " irritating." I mutter and jump down the first one. Then I smell blood and feel two bodies. 'I was so busy focusing on my decent, I hadn't taken other people into account!' I hiss in my mind and stop myself about 2 more jumps to the ground.

"Who's there?!" I hear a boy voice and turn to go back. At the last second, the ledge I'm standing on breaks. When I go to grab for something, anything, I hit my head. "Shit..." I mumble as my vision goes black.

Tatsumi's P.O.V

"Who's there?!" I yell when I hear a sound coming from a hidden place in the alley. Walking towards it, I suddenly hear another cracking sound and someone curse. A body falls from above me and I tense. Wait, their unconscious! I realize this and quickly catch the person.

"A....girl?" I ask and blush. Her dark skin shows against her weird bright blue and purple silk clothes. Her dark purple hair falls to the ground since I'm holding her horizontal so I can't see its actual length and she's extremely small. Lastly she is wearing some type of veil on her face. I move my hand to take it off her face but a voice stops me.

"Tatsumi!" Leone yells, startling me. I jump slightly but stand up with the girl in my arms, turning to Akame and Leone. "You caught her! Good job!" I raise an eyebrow at Leone's words but shrug my shoulders. "Who is she anyway?" I ask and look at the both of them for answers. "Psychotic Wisp, she's the most recent murderer. As far as we know she kills when she wants, for no reason but she only kills capital guards."

I look down at the girl in my arms then back to Leone, "really? But she's so...tiny." I make a face of disbelief. "Doesn't matter, let's get her tied up and ready to go in case she wakes up." Leone orders and Akame takes the girl from me, tying up her wrists and ankles.

Back at the base, we all gather round the girl after I get completely embarrassed by Akame and Leone and get dressed again. "So what're we going to do with her?" I ask and stare at the girl, she still looks like she's out cold. "We could kill her, ask about why she killed those people, or get her to join us." Leone suggests, "not specifically in that order."

We all sweat-drop and Najenda, our boss, speaks up. "Well we could start by being able to tell when she's awake." We all jump when the girl's head tilts up. "Meh.....I was getting bored acting sleep anyway. Nice undies Tatsumi." She comments and I turn red, everyone else staying half serious.

"Are you going to tell us why you killed all those people?" Boss asks. The girl tilts her head again. "I could Najenda but....that'd be work." I sweat-drop and the others stay completely tense. "How'd you know boss' name?" Lubbock asks first. "Simple, I've finally figured out where I landed." We all look confused, "landed....?" I ask cautiously.

"That'd be too much work to explain." She states curtly. "Would you like us to remove your head veil. Or do you have something to hide?" Boss asks. "I have nothing to hide but I'd prefer my veil on." She replies calmly. "Very well, take her to a room. For now, she's a prisoner." We all pause. "B-But we never take prisoners Boss!" Mine yells.

"Until I can give proper judgment on the people she killed, she's a prisoner." Boss retorts coldly, causing Mine to flinch. "Hey does this base have any Nutella?! I mean it'd make everything so much more enjoyable...." The girl requests and we all sweat-drop. "What's...Nutella?" I can tell the girl is crying underneath her veil.

"This world is sooooo cruel to meeeeeee! At least give me Nutella if you're going to make me stay somewhere new for three months!" She shouts at air and we all sweat-drop. "You see, Nutella is this beautiful substance of chocolate that parents let you eat in the morning because its claimed to be good for you, due to the hazel nut mix in the delicious chocolate."

We all blink at her description as she makes a puddle of drool on the floor. "I'll start making it." Akame comments and stands up, walking away. "Yay! I love you most Akame! Thanks you!!" We all see hearts appear around her. "Alright, come on." Mine orders, helping the girl up since her feet were untied.

"No, let Tatsumi take me." She orders, surprising us all. "Fine but nothing funny." Boss orders and the girl nods. "Aren't you coming Susu?" She laughs a little and waits for me to lead her away.

I look at everyone before taking her up on her offer and leading her out the room. We're silent until we reach her 'prison cell', its more like a room. -_-

"Why'd you ask for me?" I question and she tilts her head in that weird way again as if she were listening to a million things at once. "Simple, you're the main character. I have to speak to you right now." I furrow my brow, "main character... Huh?" She laughs a little, her laughs sound really soft and gentle.

"You can see my face but only lift my veil. I don't usually let anyone see who I am unless I intend to kill them. Of course I can't do that to you, you're the main character though and I actually like you." I tense but follow her orders and lift her veil.

I'm met with the sight of multicolored eyes that are dull and have no pupil or focus on anything. "Wow...." I whisper and she laughs again. "You're the first to say that. I'm usually feared."

"I get that reason." I state and she rolls her eyes. "Not cause I'm a killer, they don't know." I blink in confusion. "Then why?" She sighs, "because I'm different." I stare at her in surprise. "So why do you kill?" I ask and she pulls away from me, making me drop the veil. "You'll have to figure that out yourself. I'll give you a hint though.... It has nothing to do with bloodlust."

End of Chapter~

I hope you all liked that chapter! I think it was fairly long!




Ja ne~!


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