Using Other Anime Advantages

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"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed as loud as I could at the edge of the cliff. Allowing anger, sadness, disappointment and any other emotions I was having be represented in my voice. I sit down on the ledge and stare at the sky. "I can't be jealous, what am I?" I question nobody and nobody answers.

Lubbock's P.O.V.

I sigh and push my goggles off my head when I run my hand through it. "You BAKA!" Leone shouts and I feel a huge fist hit my head. "Ouch! What was that for!?" I shout back. "Why would you say that to Wisp!? 'I only said that so I could make you feel better', that's not something you'd ever do!" Mine growls next.

"I'll be checking on Wisp, sort this out with Lubba while I'm gone." Miss Najenda orders and walks off. "So, why did you say that?" Tatsumi asks and I sigh. "Because I wanted her to stop crying so I said the first thing that came to mind." Leone lunges at me and Akame holds her back. "YOU IDIOT! YOU'LL BE SO MAD WHEN WISP DATES SOMEONE ELSE!!" She screams at me and I flinch.

"So what if she dates someone else? I'm after Miss Najenda, not Wisp." Akame's eyes narrow into a glare and she let's Leone go. "Thanks Akame. Lubbock, let me teach you something about comforting people, YOU DON'T LIE IDIOT!" I start getting pummeled and from the corner of my eyes, I see Tatsumi wincing.

"Ugh..." I groan when Leone is done beating me up. 'Maybe I had meant what I said but...I have my priorities set. Miss Najenda is the one I'm after, not Wisp.' I think to myself.

Wisp's P.O.V

"Feel better now?" Najenda asks and my head turns towards her. "Much, why are you up here?" I question. "Came to check on you, Lubba was a little harsh." I shrug and turn my head away, "not his fault he likes someone else." I reply slightly cold. "You shouldn't care about that. Date him now because you may lose the chance."

I purse my lips at her words. "You won't be included with the assassination of Borick either." I jump up, "excuse me?!" She places a hand on my shoulder, "you may go beserk like how you did with Kurome's puppets and-." I cut her off, "I don't care! At least if I did go a little crazy the mission would be accomplished! So what if you're afraid of me, that shouldn't put my position on the team in jeopardy!"

She takes a step back and I glare at her, probably looking at her chest and not her face. "I'm taking you off this mission Wisp." I roll my eyes and turn to leave, "good luck getting me to stay."

A few hours later....

"WHAT THE HECK?!" I shout and struggle in a bunch of string. "Sorry Wisp, Miss Najenda's orders." Lubba says after they're done capturing me. "YOU IDIOTS! LET ME GO!" I hiss and roll around, trying to get out of the string. "Bye Wisp!" I hear them all say to me as they leave. "Get back here!! OWOWOWOWOWOWIES!!" I shout when I feel the string slicing my skin slightly.

"Lubba you ass," I growl and struggle a little more carefully. "Screw my morals, I'm getting out of this." I make the hand signs for the simple escape jutsu. The same one Sasuke used when Naruto tied him up. "Freedom!" I shout happily and jump up, running out the hideout.

"Kiss my-!"

Najenda's P.O.V

I sense someone insulting me. "You alright Boss?" I nod and feel that shiver continue down my back. "Just feel a...disturbance in the universe."

Wisp's P.O.V

I laugh while running until I'm punched in the stomach and sent flying. "Gah!" I gag and stand back up. My veil shifting slightly. "Hello again Wisp." I clench my fists at the weirdo in front of me. "I don't care who you are! Just leave me alone and stop stalking me." He laughs, "no that wouldn't be much fun."

How the Heck Did I Land Here? ~Akame ga Kill fanficWhere stories live. Discover now