Sequel is Out!!!

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Love me~ the next book is out and ready to start reading!

Reaper- You took too long to publish it...

It's not my fault! I had a bad dream!

Reaper- +_+


Reaper- *eye twitch* The book is called-

Wisp- I wanna say it!

Leone- No, me!

Akame- I want to say it....

Lubba- No I wanna!!

Wisp- You have no say in this Lubba!! >.

Lubba- *grabs her by the waist* What was that~?

Wisp- >\\\\

Everyone say it!!!

Everyone (and a red faced Wisp)- Why the Heck am I Betrayed?! ~ Akame ga Kill Fanfic

I wanted to keep a 'the Heck' in my titles for this series. :3 Thanks for all your help! Take a bow everyone!

ArtemisMiku- I guess we are ghost children now...? *bows*

@Xxhash- I get a prize?

Reaper- Sure, here. *tosses Oreo*

@Xxhash- Yay! *bows*

Get out of the Reader credit Reaper!!

sLaShERR_17- Yay!! My nigga! *bows*

@MissWeirdoQueen- Woo!! *bows*

Everyone- *bows*


(This was everyone who made a suggestion so do not get mad please.)

Ending is the only one I could find! Ignore the Spanish lyrics, its sung in Japanese!!

How the Heck Did I Land Here? ~Akame ga Kill fanficWhere stories live. Discover now