Saving My Brotha From Ano- Stop it. Stop it Now Anime. -_-

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"As if I'd let you leave for a fight, Mine." I state, sitting on a table. "I don't care what you say! I'm going to save-!" I throw a book that hits her in her head. It was paperback.....I think. "Oi, shut your cakehole." I retort and cross my arms. "Ouch!" She shouts.

"I'm going to help you baka." I bluntly say. "No you're not." I feel someone pick me up and I yelp. "Hey!" I shout, seeing Lubba. "You've just recovered, you don't have an imperial arms and you can see meaning you've lost your comfort zone." I pout at what he said, "so what. I can still fight, I never needed one before and I can use a blindfold."

He pokes my side and I yelp again. "See? Injury, I'll be going in your place." I push him so that he drops me, "as if I'd let you do that!" I land on my feet, in a crouch. "Wisp-." I cut off Najenda, "Nikumu." Lubba cuts in, "Chīsana." I feel my eye twitch and glare at him. "Alright...Anyway, you can go."

I cheer and Lubba scowls. "She's injured!" I roll my eyes at him. "Over protective boyfriend.... That's a weird sentence I may never get used to." Leone cuts in, "yeah you will. Somehow you two aren't in the cupcake stage right now." I gain an irk mark, "how do you even know about the cupcake stage?!" Seeing her open her mouth, I shake my head. "Never mind, I don't want to know."

"Hello? Trying to save my own boyfriend here." I cringe at Mine's words. "I'm still not used to that word, don't use it." Arms wrap around my waist and someone nuzzles my neck. "I'm your boyfriend, you're my girlfriend~." Lubba taunts. I get irritated and punch him in the stomach. "Quit it."

After taunts from both Leone and Lubba, me shutting them both up, we arrive at the execution place. "Wisp, since no one really knows your face, you stand in the crowd for now. Stay unnoticed, Lubba you go with her." I shake my head, "I can go alone." Lubba grabs my wrist, "no I'm going with you."

I sigh in defeat, allowing him to follow me. "Alright, keep your head down and try to look relaxed. I know someone who can spot a tense enemy a mile away." I order Lubba. "Cough cough, Esdeath, cough cough." Lubba fakes and I elbow him. "By the time we're done dating, I'll have too many injuries."

"By the time we're done...?" I say and pull away from him. He pulls me back and grabs my chin, "because I plan on marrying you." A dark blush covers my face and I pull away. We weave through the crowd, making sure not to bump into anyone.

"Go ahead and see you threads up, I already know about your hidden bombs so hurry." I order and stand close to him as he set his threads. From the view of someone, we'd look like he was hugging me. "Alright, let's go-."

Makoto's P.O.V

I'd recognize that face anywhere but....who's that with her..? "Guards," I call and two men stand before me. "Bring me that girl." I point to Kisa. "Wait....Bloom?" Esdeath questions from next to me. "Huh? But..." I shake my head. "Seems like Kisa and Bloom have explaining to do." Esdeath states and turns to walk away with the guards.

Wisp/Nikumu/Chīsana/Blo- She has too many names! P.O.V

I stare in confusion at the guards before me. "We were requested to bring you to the emperor." My eyes widen and so do Lubba's. 'If Esdeath follows the plot then...oh my gosh I'm gonna die!' I think in panic. "Go ahead back to your cousin, Akira." I have no idea why I chose that name but I did and he better move it or he really will lose it.

"I have to go speak with the emperor, Akira. Go back to your cousins, tell them I have to talk with the emperor and I will talk to you later." He finally nods and scurries off. "Bloom, what are you doing here?" I tense up and turn back around slowly...Esdeath. "And how come the emperor called you Kisa?" I curse myself in my mind. "Uh...well Wilt is my nickname while Kisa is what I go by sometimes."

How the Heck Did I Land Here? ~Akame ga Kill fanficWhere stories live. Discover now