To Destroy A Heart

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Lubbock's P.O.V

I wait with Tatsumi as we look for Chīsana at the meeting point. "Where is she? Boss said she went on a private mission but she never said where." I start getting worried when Tatsumi leaves to tell Boss, Chīsana hasn't returned. I clench my fists in anger, 'where is she? Why would she go alone? Why didn't Boss ask where she went?!'

I shake my head as Tatsumi comes back. "I'm sorry but we'll have to carry on with the mission Lubba." I clench my fists angrily and nod, I know we'll have to. "Let's go," Tatsumi starts moving and so do I. 'Wherever you are Chīsana, I'll fond you. I know this fight is what you were preparing for....I just don't know how you were preparing.'

Tatsumi, Leone, Akame and myself attacking within palace walls. We are encountered by Ran/Run. (A/N: I'm using Ran because I'm used to that. Again, manga/anime difference.) Leone is lefter behind while we run ahead. "Tatsumi, let's hurry. I have to find Chīsana soon." Tatsumi nods in Incursio, "just don't die even though she'd find a way to bring you back and kill you for dying."

We both sweat-drop at the true statement.

3rd P.O.V

Tatsumi bursts into the room, in full armor. Lubba jumped in the air so no one saw him and is already crafting threads. Tatsumi goes on his rant to Makoto and Honest continues to be....well......dishonest. "Makoto....what's going on?" A girl walks in, wearing a knee length dress and a cute large bow on top her head holding up a ponytail.

"Kisa, go back to your-." Makoto is cut off by Lubba jumping down behind 'Kisa'. "Chīsana?! What're you doing here?!" He shouts worriedly. "Who....are you?" She asks, taking a scared step back. "C-Chīsana...?" Lubba looks heartbroken. "Kisa, why don't you show the members of Night Raid here. Your specialty." Honest orders.

Kisa's hands fly to her head and she drops to her knees in pain. "Chīsana!" Lubba shouts at the time as her scream. Suddenly, the room becomes silent. Kisa's head hanging, Lubba gripping her shoulders. "Chīsana?...Chīsana!? Chīsan-!" Lubba shouts, shaking her. He is cut off when a hand grabs his throat and Kisa's head snaps up.

"Night Raid...." She mumbles in a daze with a crazed look in her eyes. "Yes Kisa, Night Raid needs to be torn down and killed!" Honest orders and Kisa looks at him then turns back to a struggling Lubba. Her face becomes blank and she stares at him with disinterest. "Very well," she's about to slice her hand through him but stops when someone jumps between them, bringing down a sword.

Kisa drops Lubba and jumps back, unhurt and staring at Akame. "Wisp! What's the matter with you?!" Tatsumi shouts,catching her attention as she walks towards him. Her head tilts to the side and a insane smile makes a way to her face. "Tatsumi get out of there!" Lubba shouts, officially realizing the danger of the situation.

"Kill them Kisa....Kill all of Night Raid!" Honest demands, laughing like a madman. "Hai..." Kisa speaks in monotone, pulling out her dagger and activating her imperial arms. Her eyes turn a pale shade of blue to match her bright blue hair. "Chīsana, I don't know what they've done but you have to stop!" Lubba uses his threads to stop her.

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