Infiltration Gone Wrong

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I get up extra early the next morning to go speak with Najenda. "Hey Jen-Chan, can I go solo on this mission?" I cup her cheeks, "of course you can Nikumu. Because you're amazing and awesome and smart and...-just go." My puppet actually starts to speak and I jump as she opens her eye to look at me.

"Go on but make sure you're back in time." I grin, "if I wasn't able to keep to my schedule. What type of assassin would I be?" She rolls her eyes as I continue, "one that isn't worth their salt." I laugh and flip out her window, taking off. "See you soon Jen-Chan!" I shout as I run.

Soon after, I arrive in the city. I put on some sunglasses and a black coat similar to Tatsumi's white coat. I stroll down the street, looking around. 'I just want to check out that imperial arms. They're supposed to show it around this time.' I think to myself and sneak closer to the castle. I take off my sunglasses and put on my imperial arms.

My hair turns a light and dark blue and a dress forms. 'Good for disguise and fighting. Me likes.' I contemplate in my mind. I manage to sneak in through a window. You didn't think I'd try to impersonate again, did you? Been there, done that, never going down that route again.

I follow the layout of the palace, I memorized it while I was here already. I rush down some steps and hide around the corner. I will everything on me to turn off and my hair goes back into a bun, my dress changes back into a black jacket and I'm in sneakers again. "-emperor's have to rule with no mercy!"

I roll my eyes at Honest's speech and look at the imperial arms. 'Sweet Nutella, that baby ain't no baby!' I think to myself. 'Maybe I can disable it while I'm here... That way Tatsumi will be- shit!' I'm pushed off the ledge I'm on. I land on my side, wincing in pain. "There's a spy in here my lord."

I'm still trying to regain my strength, that was a high fall. "What's this....Kisa?" Honest laughs and I grit my teeth, holding my side as I stand up. "Kisa, what're you doing here?" Makoto asks and I look away, observing how many guards are in here. "She's a part of Night Raid, Esdeath has informed us my lord."

I clutch my side in horrible pain. 'I was so careless! Now I'm injured!' Makoto walks over to me and I stare at him. 'He is so...kawaii! Look at him, he's just a little kiddie.' I coo in my mind. "Bring me the Suishō hāto and hold her down." I frown at his words. 'I take what I thought back.' I growl in my head as I dodge a guard.

Another hits my injured side and I hiss in pain, dropping to my knees and holding my side. My arms are grabbed, pulled behind me and I feel my imperial arms yanked from my hair. "So this is the imperial arms, Black Shard." Honest observes. "Give it back you pig!" I growl and he ignores me, walking back over to Makoto.

I see something in his hands that looks weird. "Kisa...this imperial arms is called mended heart." I stare at him in confusion as he comes closer. "What's that shit?" I ask bluntly. The thing in his hands is some type of clear goop in a bottle. "This imperial arms doesn't need to have a specific user."

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