Meeting General Dinner and My Boyfriend

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Recently, instead of wandering around wasting my time. I've been learning the capitol's government history and places. I'll tell you now, I hate history. With a passion. There's a difference between hating something and hating something with a passion. I hate history here with a passion.

I know who Night Raid is targeting next, I'm debating if I should help. I'm blind after all, his imperial arms won't work on me. Though, I did want to return after Sheele's death. I hate that she dies but, I can't do much about it right now and I don't intend to. People die, people live, that's how life goes and changes.

I'm on a rooftop where Tatsumi should appear any minute now.

"Sayo!" I hear Tatsumi running towards Zank and I flip down between them, kicking Tatsumi away. "W-Wisp?! You're working with him?!" I see Zank's eye wore of. "No you idiot. You were going to hug a beheading murderer and I've always hated fake hugs." I retort, slightly sarcastic and move when I feel Zank's sword slice at me.

"Where'd she go?!" I make a bird call, "over here sunny boy~!" He growls and turns on his imperial arms. I blink. "What? Oh, sorry. Do you expect me to get down on my knees crying or run and hug you?" He feels surprised and I smirk. "When death's at your doorstep, don't try to fight it. I fought it and look at what I did." I run straight at him and flip over him.

"Akame! Nice to see you- hear you, join the party!" I wave behind me. "I'll stay and listen but this is your fight!" I call out and jump away, finding a hiding place.

Tatsumi, that idiot tried to fight even when Akame was there and is now injured. Baka! This is what happens when you help people. Akame does her sword business, surprising and killing Zank the idiot. I move to leave, now sure that the plot is back on course. Something stops me,"wire. Lubba? What's up?"

"I'm taking you back to Night Raid, dead or alive." I sweat-drop, "sheesh what is with you and Jen-Chan trying to kill me?" I crack my knuckles. "No matter," then I do many backbends, twists and cartwheels to escape his wires. "Tada, I'll take a bow." I bow, only to dodge when a paw slice comes my way.

"Love you too Leone, love you too." Leone has an upset feeling, she's probably frowning. "I'm sorry but we have to bring you back to base." I shake my head and dodge a slash from Sheele. "I'll be back as soon as Jen-Chan figures out her problem with me." I reply and move out of the way of a spear wire. "I already know why you hate me Lubba but I'm not sure that's the only reason."

I feel arms try to grab me and I move, "this is the thanks I get for making sure no one dies today. I'll see you later, Night Raid." I jump onto Bulat's shoulders with my hands and flip into the next building, running off. I easily escape, knowing the twists and turns of the city now. I change intoa purple and black, sleeveless dress with lone cuffs at my wrists. (A/N: Cover picture)

Pulling on my headphones, I turn on music, I may not see but I do like to hear. The music starts to play and I sit in an alley. 'I should really get a house...' I think to myself. Pulling out money, I pause my music and head to a hotel. Getting a room and ignoring the perv at the desk. I go straight to my room for the night, my music high and I fall asleep.

I stay there for a few days, not bothering to leave the room. Then I leave, paying my fee and walking the streets. "Sheele!!" I stand there shocked, then run to the scene. I feel Sheele in the mouth of that...thing. "Thank you, Wisp." I feel the tears well in my eyes as her heart stops. I feel Mine already gone and I run too, no one saw me.

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