Chapter one

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Marinette squirmed in her seat, waiting for the school day to be over with.

Tomorrow was Saturday, and Alya had arranged plans so that she could get the entire gang of friend's to go to the movies together. Of course, the only thing Marinette was really focused on was going there with Adrien, but she liked the idea of Alya and Nino going as well, considering they were a couple.

Mme.Bustier called for the class to flip yet another page to the classes history books. Marinette sighed, looking up at the clock. She looked forward at the blonde boy who was taking notes. She sighed, going into a hazy daydream. Why couldn't she just tell the boy that she liked him? Why can't she simply say what she means when around him?

"Marinette? Can you please stop staring at Adrien. You're distracting yourself from learning. Don't forget we have an exam on this on Monday." Mme.Bustier said, looking back at the ravenette. Marinette sheepishly grinned at the teacher, a light blush forming on her cheeks.

"So-sorry." Marinette picked her pencil up and held it up to show that she was now ready to listen again.

"Is there her day that girl isn't staring at my man?" Chloe said, popping her gum. Marinette shrunk in her seat, and Alya glared at the mayor's daughter.

"Last time I checked, Adriens relationship status was single." Alya crossed her arms, a smirk replacing her angry expression. Adrien turned towards the brat,

"And I'd never be your man in a million years." He focused his attention back onto the board, not before slightly looking back at the embarrassed ravenette. Chloe huffed, flipping her hair over her shoulder,

"Neither would Maritrash, but what am I to say?" Chloe popped her gum once again. Sabrina nodded her head,

"Yeah, Maritrash!" Sabrina looked at Chloe, waiting for approval from Chloe for her same comeback, who only looked at her, face scrunched up from cringing so hard.

Adrien glared over at his childhood friend. Why did he ever become friend's with her? Was it force? Because he would never have the thought to befriend that. Mme.Bustier clapped, gaining everybody's attention again,

"Enough with the insults. Let's focus so this day can end quicker."

Everyone nodded in agreement, and Mme.Bustier happily got back to explaining a major even that took place when King Arthur III was running France.


The bell rang, and Marinette lunged out of her seat, leaving a confused Alya behind. Usually they walked together to the bakery, but Marinette was too excited to pick out a cute outfit for tomorrow. Alya gathered her stuff together as Nino waited for her at the door. Adrien pulled his bag over his shoulder, giving Chloe a cold glare as she flirtishly smiled at him. Chloe was taken aback, and Adrien left the classroom, giving Nino a fist bump before making his way to the black vehicle that sat in front of the school, with Nathalie waiting impatiently for Adrien to get to the car. Adrien sighed as he walked to the car, getting in. Nathalie closed the door for him, then seated herself in the passenger seat. The "Gorilla", Adrien's bodyguard, drove off to the photoshoots area, and Adrien looked out the window, only to see Marinette making it into the bakery. He smiled to himself, resting his head on his hand, as his arm laid lazily on the doors armrest. Adrien never thought of Marinette more than a friend like that because of his undevoted love for Ladybug. The sound of Ladybug's name in his head made him turn bright pink. Nathalie looked at him in the rearview mirror, turning back to look at him,

"Adrien? Are you okay?" She asked, face plain but a slight frown on her lips. Adrien shifted to look at her,

"Yeah, why?" He asked. Nathalie adjusted her glasses, facing forward again,

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