Chapter eight

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   Marinette stepped out of the cab her parents had paid for her so she could see the love of her life. Technically, they didn't know that, but they had a hint.

Marinette looked up at the building right before her, letting out a exhausted exhale in the process.

She walked through the doors to the hospital, one of the workers at the front desk turning their gaze to her,

"Can I help you, ma'am?" The worker asked. It was a tall man, 6'3. He could dunk on Kobe if he really tried. He wore glasses that looked to small for his head, and he had braces, but his teeth already looked perfectly fine in her opinion. He had short hair, somewhere between Nino's and Roses, but the color was a light blonde, almost beating Adrien's in a way.

"Ummm, yes. I'm here to see Adrien Agreste?" The worker nodded, turning to point towards the recovery rooms door,

"Just go through there, take two rights, then a left and you'd be right at his room." The man said positively. Marinette gave a small nod, thanking the man before she made her way to her crush.

She couldn't stop thinking about it. The kiss she shared with him was amazing. It was an out of the world experience that she prayed would magically happen again. Her heart fluttered at the thought of Adrien's hands finding their way to her hands as she stood on her tippy toes to kiss the boy of her dreams, their fingers lacing as they shared another passionate kiss to seal the feelings they had for each other with their lips.

Marinette turned the last corner only to bump into a nurse who was carrying a bunch of towels,

"Ouch! Oh! I'm sorry! I'm so clumsy...." The nurse stood up, collecting the towels that had fallen, into her arms again,

"It's fine. Don't worry, I used to be a clutz too! You'll grow out of it." The nurse sent her a wink, and Marinette had never felt so appreciated before, even if that was the most straight forward compliment she could have ever gotten.

Marinette crept up to the room that she guessed was Adrien's, peeking through the crack of the door.

She let out a relieved sigh to see the blonde laying peacefully in the bed, sound asleep.

She slowly opened the door, a small creak being heard when the door was almost fully open.

Adrien stirred in his sleep, his head turning towards Marinette, his eyes still closed.

Marinette slithered to the blonde, looking down at him, a small blush falling onto her cheeks.

She, unconsciously, let her hands trail up to his soft locks, letting her fingers comb out his hair.

Adrien nuzzled into her touch, a small vibrating sound erecting from him.

Marinette scrunched her face together, confused.

Is he.......purring?

Marinette pulled her hand from his hair, now realizing that it was there, and placing it by her side as she turned a deep shade of red in embarrassment.

The purring from the blonde stopped, and Marinette was a hundred percent sure that sound had come from him.

She was hesitant, but she let her hand move back to the blondes hair, massaging it once again.

The vibrating sound started again, and Marinette was trying her hardest not to just stand there and let it go on forever because of how cute it was.

She moved her hand back to her, and the purring stopped once again, and Adrien stirred.

Marinette's eyes widened at the blonde, as she just stood there, frozen.

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