Chapter Twenty-nine

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   Marinette placed a small kiss to the black cat's lips, scratching behind his ear. "Did Minou speak to his father about this new relationship we have?"

Chat's ears flattened against his head. "No. Nathalie has told me he's been very busy with things she has no idea about, and none of it is related to fashion. I'm not sure if she has a hint or not, but I never asked since she told me to drop the conversation right then and there."

Marinette hummed, flicking his bell. "Don't worry so much about it. I bet it's nothing to get your panties in a bunch, anyways."

Chat pouted his lip. "You and Plagg are very similar."

Marinette giggled. "I hope that's a good thing."

Chat pursed his lips, averting his gaze up at the ceiling. "You could say. ."

Marinette squinted at him. "Oh yeah, whatever."

Chat gave her a big grin, pushing his head into her hand once again.

They sat in silence for awhile before the bluenette began to strike up another conversation.

"Isn't this all weird?" She asked, stopping her petting.

Chat looked up at her, tilting his head to the side. "What?"

Marinette gave off a small huff, smiling a bit. "It's only the beginning of November, and all hell has been going loose. We broke up; Lila and you got together, same with me and Luka; me finding out you get beat at home, which I still highly don't approve of; I found out you're Chat Noir; I got . . . . raped. . . I could have died in my sleep. . . it's crazy!"

Chat bit the inside of his lip, closing his eyes. "Although we've been through all this crap, you've managed to stand strong and push yourself to the fullest. You literally just went through second hand embarrassment two days ago, and you still come back to school like nothing happened. You walked the halls like a queen while people gave you glares and shameful looks. You did it all, and that's what makes you, Marinette. . . and if no one else can see that beside your true loved ones, then they're all pointless and not needed in life."

Marinette shook her head, smiling fondly down at the cat resting on her lap. "Only you can say the right words to me, Agreste."

Giving him a scratch behind the ears, she patted his head for him to sit up. "Maybe we can watch a movie. I'm in the mood for one."

Chat's ears perked up. "And what do you have in mind?"

Marinette jumped up and down, clapping her hands. "Ponyo!"

Chat raised a brow. "What's a Ponyo?"

Marinette's eyes widened with bewilderment. "You're joking. . . right?"

Chat shook his head, biting his bottom lip. "I'm afraid not."

Marinette gave him an odd glare. "All that time you've spent in your home, and your eyes have not lied upon the only cutest, most adorably Japanese film to ever be created?"

Chat pursed his lips. "Nope."

Marinette blinked at him, turning on her heel to walk to her desk. Placing herself in her chair, she pointed to the other chair she had, initiating he sit in it.

Gladly, Chat placed himself in the chair, crossing his legs with his hands push into the small opening off his thighs. "Is it a comedy?"

Marinette turned on her computer, shaking her head. "You could say that. I mean, it's more of a kid-friendly movie. I watched it with my parents when I was younger and always loved it. Maybe you'll like it too."

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