Chapter fourteen

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"We can't let this go by, Lila. My son shouldn't be with a woman I just barely know, and may be a huge downfall to his modeling career." Lila nodded,

"What is it you want me to do, sir?" Gabriel smirked,

"Nothing." Lila raised an eyebrow, her eyes squinting as she gave the powerful man a look,

"What do you mean nothing?" Gabriel turned to face the brunette,

"I mean don't do anything. Let us see where this may go, and if it takes a wrong turn in any way, then I'd be happy for you to intervene into this relationship my son has with this pathetic baker daughter, and destroy the love they have for each other." Lila nodded, a dark shadow covering her face as she tilted her head down, her eyes still locked on Gabriel's back,

"Then we shall, Hawkmoth."


Marinette stared out the window as Adrien slept peacefully in the hospital bed, him being knocked out again from the strong amount of pain killing medicine they gave him not to long ago before he fell asleep.

Marinette turned to look back at him, a small smile forming on her lips, then it turning into a frown.

What was I going to do to Lila?
Was I going to hurt her?
All for Adrien?
I would have, for her ridiculous lies.

She focused her attention outside again, watching as pigeons flew past the window to meet Mr.Ramier on a bench in the distance from the hospital. She watched as he fed the pigeons, his smile the biggest thing she could see from the window.

Marinette looked around some more, seeing Alya and Nino, hand in hand, walking down the street as they were heading somewhere. Marinette giggled as Nino crouched in front of Alya, Alya excitedly jumping on his back as he ran around with the brunette on his back.

Marinette missed her friends. It was like it was summer break, when Marinette was busy helping in the bakery with her parents since she had nothing else to do since homework wasn't a big distraction anymore. Sometimes, her parents allowed her to meet up with her friends, or allowed Alya to come over every now and then, but summer was the most busiest season of them all for the bakery, and her parents could really use the extra set of hands for some things.

Marinette looked up into the sky, the clouds looking back down at her as the sun just peaked out from one, a beautiful sun rays shining onto her small frame, as she squinted her eyes in able to still look up without being blinded.

It was a great morning, other than her having to worry about school work for a week while she stays with Adrien, making sure he's staying productive and healthy as the doctors wished for her to do, and not having to deal with Chloé's crud, or Lila's, until the following week.

She sighed, looking away from the window and back at Adrien, who was shifting in his sleep, his eyes opening a bit as the traveled around the room until his eyelids forced themselves closed so he could sleep again.

Marinette walked over to the blonde, her hands going to his hair, her fingers untangling his soft locks.

Although the silence was something Marinette wished she'd have more often, it was beginning to bore her. She didn't have her phone so she couldn't do anything. She could turn on the TV, but there was no remote to me found, and she didn't want to wake the blonde from his droopy slumber.

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