Chapter seven

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   Adrien pulled up in front of his father's mansion, his skin going pale as soon as he lied his eyes on the gates that slowly opened for his bodyguard to go through.

Adrien gripped his thighs to a point where his fingertips where as pale as his face, but red leading up to where his joints meet.

His body froze when he heard Nathalie open the passenger door, climbing out as she went to open the door for him.

Adrien got out, his hands sweating like crazy as he took his right hand and smoothed his hair back nervously.

Adrien swallowed hard as he let his eyes trail up the steps leading to the front door of his home, that at this moment, he prayed he didn't live in.

He shakily stepped foot onto the first step, until Nathalie's hand firmly grasped his shoulder, causing him to tense ten times harder now.

Adrien shot his head around, surprised to see that Nathalie had a worried expression, you could say, on her face other than her blank one that reminded the blonde too much of his father.

Nathalie let out a long exhale, removing her hand from Adrien's shoulder. Adrien turned to face her, his body still tense.

Nathalie cleared her throat,

"Let me speak to your father before you go in there..... I'm afraid of what he'll do to you..." Nathalie trailed off, not daring to look Adrien in his eyes more than once.

Adrien placed his hand on Nathalie's, a small smile appearing on his face,

"Thank you, Nathalie," He gave her a hug, Nathalie surprised at the action,

"This is the best thing I can ask" Nathalie smile down at the blonde,

"And it's the best thing I can do for you, Adrien."

Adrien gave a small nod before watching Nathalie walk up the stairs to his home, his body relaxing after what felt like forever to him.

Nathalie opened the doors to the very cold home, her body trembling with each step she took as the door closed behind her.

She looked up at Gabriel, who had the most disappointing look on his face she has ever seen,

"Where is my son, Nathalie?" Nathalie cleared her throat,

"Your son is outside, sir." Gabriel squinted his eyes,

"And why is he outside?" Nathalie fixed her glasses,

"Because I thought I could reason with you before he came inside, sir." Gabriel scoffed,

"Whatever you have to say, Nathalie, isn't going to change my mind on what I'm going to do. He disobeyed me, and he already knows what happens when he disobeys me." Nathalie looked down at her heels, giving a small nod,

"Yes, sir." Gabriel closed his eyes,

"This photoshoot was important, Nathalie. The outfit Adrien was going to be modeling was going to make me fashion line a complete success. Adrien not being there today has now affected that, and now I'm starting to reconsider things," Nathalie gave another small nod.

"Since my son had missed out on the photoshoot, where was he? I thought I told you to pick him up from the movies." Nathalie sighed,

"Your son, indeed, was at the movies, but somehow managed to escape with the baker's daughter, and go back to her place without anyone noticing they left the movies," Gabriel was taken aback,

"What is this nonsense I'm hearing?!" Gabriel boomed. Nathalie took a step back a bit, almost losing her balance. She cleared her throat again so that her voice didn't crack from the fear that was taking over her from the normally blankly, stressed man,

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