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 ''Shit!'' A male cursed, causing his two friends to break their stare and glance over to him.

''What's wrong.'' One of the males questioned as he leaned over the table and glanced at his laptop, to see what has caused him to react in such a way.

''I'm screwed.'' Taehyung sighed as he took off his glasses and threw them on the table so he could freely rub his eyes.

''Due to emergency...'' Jungkook murmured as he breezed through the email his friend had opened. ''Assignment due in two weeks on Wednesday eleventh by midnight.'' He finally read the sentence that sent his friend into distress.

''Wait what!?'' Jimin exclaimed. ''I barely just got started on it. She can't expect us to finish that in two weeks and a half?'' The male complained as he and his friend made eye contact.

''At least you started, I don't even have a subject to write about yet.'' Taehyung flashed a fake smile as both his friends looked at him in worry.

''Didn't you say you'll write about Dementia?'' Jungkook questioned as he furrowed his brows in confusion.

''Someone else already stole that topic.'' Taehyung sighed.

''What's the assignment on again?'' Jungkook questioned as he sat back down, giving Jimin the chance to rest his head on his shoulder and sigh as well.

''How a brain functions before and after severe stress or trauma.'' Jimin explained.

''Head trauma, like injuries or just stressful events?'' Jungkook questioned.

''Anything big enough to cause it to go in distress really.'' Jimin shrugged. ''The professor wasn't all that specific with what she wanted. She just wanted us to meet a person that's gone through it and share their experience and what exactly happened to their brain.''

''Then you can come to the hospital with me, I'm sure someone there's got what you need.''

''Kookie, it's not that easy.'' Taehyung sighed. ''I can't just walk up to someone and ask them about their disorder, it's unethical, especially in a hospital.''

''I'm just trying to help.'' Jungkook defended himself.

''But that's actually not a bad idea, Tae...'' Jimin agreed. ''If you two managed to find someone competent or at least consensual to you writing about their case you can get this done in a week.''

''But I hate hospitals...'' Taehyung scrunched his nose in distaste. ''They make me sick.''

''Then we meet them outside the hospital. I can ask my classmates if they know anyone that's recently been discharged.''

''I can't be the only one that feels this is wrong.'' Taehyung continued to frown.

''We're just trying to help you... We can still go to the nursing home, I think a lady there has PTSD.''

''I already have that topic.'' Jimin replied as he looked Jungkook in the eye.

''Right, sorry...''

''Just ask your classmates, you have a few that are in the same hospital as you, right?''

''Yeah, I'll ask them tonight.'' Jungkook nodded his head as he glanced at Taehyung and sent him a smile.

''See, we'll find something.'' Jimin assured his friend.

Taehyung just nodded slightly in reply, trying his best not to frown. He unclenched his jaw, remembering it was a bad habit to have and took in a deep breath.

''Thanks.'' Taehyung finally spoke up as he looked back at Jungkook.

''You owe me one.'' Jungkook smirked in reply.

''Alright.'' Taehyung nodded his head then glanced over to Jimin.

Guilt pinched at his stomach as he looked into his friend's oblivious eyes staring right back at him.

''Well, I need to get going now. My shift starts in half an hour.'' Jimin spoke up as he slapped Jungkook's thigh lightly. ''See ya back home.'' He bid his goodbye as he glanced at Taehyung.

''Bye baby.'' Jungkook smiled sweetly as he pulled the other into a kiss, forcing Taehyung to look away in attempt to hide his frown.

''Bye.'' Jimin giggled in reply as he grabbed his bag and left the table.

The males left behind didn't speak for a while.

Jungkook was staring down at his phone, most likely texting somebody, and Taehyung tried to busy himself by checking his emails.

''Oh, I got something.'' Jungkook suddenly spoke up, earning Taehyung's attention. ''Ryujin just texted me that her mentor was taking care of a guy that just went blind due to head trauma. Does that count?''


''He was discharged a few weeks ago, but he had a checkup last week.'' Jungkook continued reading the texts. ''Apparently, his friend is looking for someone to help care for him. She has his number.''

''Is this a good idea though?'' Taehyung frowned.

''Why wouldn't it be. We can give him a call; ask if he would be okay with talking about what happened to him and in return you stay there for a few hours a day and take care of him while getting all the information you need.''

''Kookie, I don't have the time for that...''

''Well do you wanna get this assignment done or not?'' Taehyung didn't reply straight away, he looked down at his hands to ponder over his decision.

He had a bit over two weeks to finish this assignment; he couldn't spend his free time watching over a blind person. But then again... The faster he got to work the faster he could finish, and so far, this was the only idea he had.

''What's his name?'' And so he finally gave in.

''Min Yoongi.'' 

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