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It was nearly midnight.

Taehyung was storming down the hallway, rushing to get to his destination. There was only one thing on his mind, and that was a reminder not to shout when he gets there, knowing people around them would already be sleeping.

He knocked on the door three times and waited for Jungkook to come open it. A minute passed and finally the door opened just as Taehyung was about to knock again.

It was dark inside the apartment. If it weren't for the lights coming from the end of the hallway Taehyung wouldn't even be able to see Jungkook's silhouette standing in the doorframe. He couldn't see his face, but he could tell just by the way he stood that he was in no way wishing to have a conversation. 

However, that didn't stop Taehyung from barging inside, ready to give Jungkoook a piece of his mind.

''What the fuck is wrong with you?'' He whisper-shouted as he kicked his shoes off and threw his jacket to the ground.

Jungkook didn't reply, for all Taehyung knew he didn't even bother sparing him a glance. And it made Taehyung all that more angry. 

Jungkook made his way back over to his bedroom, passing his roommate, whom was currently passed out on the couch still wearing her scrubs while the TV played some old black and white movie.

Taehyung just now noticed Jungkook was wearing nothing but a pair of underwear, meaning he was already asleep before Taehyung came here and started ringing the bell like crazy. 

He followed the male into his bedroom only to be greeted with even more darkness. 

''Answer me.'' Taehyung demanded when he shut the door to his bedroom. ''Jungkook.''

There was no answer.

Taehyung's blood was boiling, how could he stay so unbothered through all of this, how could he just not care. He may have been acting cold with Jimin for some time now, but to be so unaffected by breaking up with him, it was completely unlike the Jungkook he knew. 

''Jungkook!'' He raised his voice and hit the light switch, illuminating the room. His head snapped over to the bed, finally able to see the state his lover was in.

''What!'' The teary-eyed male snapped back. ''Tell me what? Why the fuck did you feel the need to come shout at me right now?'' Jungkook questioned as he shot up from the bed and charged over to him.

His expression was far too similar to Jimin's. Bloodshot eyes, swollen face and tear-stained cheeks, he must've been crying for some time now.

''Why did you say all that to Jimin?'' Taehyung softened his voice, suddenly unable to feel anything but pity for the male standing in front of him. ''You should've told me first if you wanted to break up with him... I need to know too.''

Jungkook didn't reply. He took a step back as in to process Taehyung's sentence. He let a dry chuckle escaped his lips as he shook his head at the male.

''God, you are just like him.'' He chuckled again as another tear rolled down his cheek. ''Everything has to always revolve around you!''

''What are you talking about?''

''Get your head out of your ass and for once ask me how I'm doing. Instead of just assuming every-single-fucking-thing in my life has to have something to do with us.'' Jungkook cried out.

Taehyung was no longer able to hold back his urges. He move forward and cupped the latter's cheeks, wiping his tears away with his thumbs.

''Kookie, what's wrong?'' He questioned as he pressed their foreheads together, causing the latter to sob again.

''I-I failed my exam again... This is the third-fucking time, Tae... I-I can't pass this semester, a-and now my dad will cut me off.'' Jungkook whispered as more tears fell down his cheeks. ''T-this was...This was my last fucking chance a-and I blew it.''

''Fuck...'' Taehyung muttered before pressing a kiss to Jungkook's forehead. ''I'm sorry...''

''H-he never fucking asks...'' Jungkook cried out. ''It's always about him... 'I only got a seven', 'this professor hates me now', 'I don't have straight tens, I must be stupid'... I-I'm happy if I even pass with a six. B-but when I say I'm worried about my classes he says I'm just being over-dramatic. I'm not crying because the teacher gave me a nine instead of a ten, I just failed sophomore year!''

''Hey, take a deep breath...'' Taehyung spoke softly as he caressed Jungkook's cheeks. Their foreheads were pressed together; Jungkook had his arms wrapped around Taehyung's waist as they leaned against the door of Jungkook's bedroom. ''If you could convince your dad to pay for the exam do you think you could pass it?''

''He wouldn't pay for it.'' Jungkook shook his head in reply. ''He wants to prove I'm too dumb for this school.''

''What if I helped you prove him wrong.'' Taehyung whispered as he tried to get Jungkook to calm down by massaging his temples with his thumbs. ''I'd help you study for your exam and I'd make sure you pass.''

''No...'' Jungkook shook his head again. ''I just need you to be there for me more... Please stop neglecting me...''

''I'm sorry.'' Taehyung whispered before pressing a soft kiss to Jungkook's lips. ''Let's go lie down.''

Jungkook only nodded in reply and allowed Taehyung to lead him back to his bed. The males laid down together. Taehyung's arms around Jungkook, holding him securely in his embrace as he peppered him with soft kisses and massaged his scalp. Trying to get him to calm down enough to fall asleep.

''It's over between Jimin and I...'' Jungkook whispered after a while.

''I figured, yeah...'' Taehyung replied.

''Then you must've also figured that I love you.''

''Y-yeah...'' Tears started building up in Taehyung's eyes.

''But you don't love me back, at least not enough to be with me.''

''I honestly can't tell you what I feel anymore...''

''Don't... We'll talk about this some other time.'' Jungkook replied before hugging Taehyung tightly and pressing a kiss to his neck. ''Let's just go to sleep.''

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