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''Yoongi hyung~'' A deep voice filled the quiet apartment.

''Ah, my pianist has arrived!'' Yoongi greeted cheerfully, earning a giggle in reply.

He couldn't help but smile upon hearing the latter's laugh, it just sounded so sweet and contagious. Taehyung's voice in general was so sweet and calming, it just instantly made his day.

''Where are you?''

''My room.'' Yoongi replied as he reached his hand up to the shelf and felt out if there was any other books took grab. But just his luck, his hand bumped into a book and seconds later he heard a loud thump meaning it must've fallen to the ground.

''What are you doing?'' He heard Taehyung's voice behind him.

''Ah you know, just some spring cleaning.'' Yoongi replied nonchalantly. He wanted to crouch down to try to find the fallen book, but a pair of hands grabbed onto his shoulders and gently moved him to the side.

''Allow me.'' Taehyung murmured as he helped him over to the bed and sat him down.

''I can do it myself you know.''

''I know, but since I'm already here, wouldn't you want to use me to help you clean?'' Taehyung spoke in a joking tone. Yoongi imagined there would be a bright smile plastered over his lips as he said that, a real shame he'll never be able to see it though.

''Why would I want to use you?''

A brief moment of silence hung over the room before Yoongi heard a forced chuckle escape Taehyung's mouth. 

''I-I don't know, Seokjin hyung wanted me to help you around the house and keep you company.''

''You don't have to help me clean, it's about time I learn how to do that on my own.''

''So should I just come here and play you songs on the piano?'' Taehyung giggled again.

''If you want to, it's your life, your decisions. If you don't want to waste your time coming to see me every day you don't have to.''

''But you don't waste my time, hyung. I like coming here.''

''Oh...'' For some reason, that reply caught Yoongi off guard.

He felt his cheeks heat up causing him to hide his face with his palm, hoping Taehyung had been looking elsewhere while they conversed.

''By the way, what are you doing with your books?'' He must've seen the boxes in the living room, Yoongi figured.

''I'm giving them away.'' Yoongi murmured, still trying to recover from the other's reply.


''They serve me no use.'' Yoongi shrugged his shoulders then fought back a chuckle. He found an odd sense of amusement in doing something he was no longer able to see other people do in a casual conversation.

''But do you really want to get rid of them... I mean, wouldn't you miss them, I highly doubt you've already read all of these.''

''You're right, I didn't. But what's the point, I can't exactly read them now...''

''What if someone read them to you?''

''Who on earth would have the time to do that?'' Yoongi chuckled at the suggestion.

''I would.'' Taehyung suddenly offered.

''Wait, what?''

''I used to love reading out loud in class. The teacher would always call for me to read and most of the time she had me read for the entire lecture, she even signed me up for theatre because she believed I spoke so well.''

''You would really do that...''

''Of course, just tell me when you want me to read so I bring my reading glasses with me.''

''You wear glasses?''

''Right... Sometimes I forget you don't have a clue what I look like.'' Taehyung giggled.

''Yeah.'' Yoongi chuckled as well.

''Would you like to know, though?''

''What do you mean?''

''I mean, you can feel out my face, I don't mind.'' And now it was Yoongi's turn to giggle. ''What? Did I say something stupid?''

''Ahm, Taehyung... I can't tell how a person looks just by feeling their face you know... I'm pretty sure that's just a myth...''

''Wait, really? Oh my God, I'm so sorry, forget I just said that.''

''It's fine, don't worry about it, you didn't know.'' Yoongi giggled again.

''But... How exactly do you like... imagine things now?''

''I don't.''

''What, how? Don't you remember how things look?''

''No, that part of my brain got damaged.''

''I don't understand...''

''I was in a car accident, right, and as I went flying through the window I hit my head, to be more specific, I hit a very crucial nerve... It's not my eyes that are the problem, they're perfectly healthy, it's just that my brain can no longer process what they see.''

''So you just don't see anything?''

''Pretty much.''

''Holy shit... What about dreams? Do you dream?''

''I do dream.''

''And do you see anything in your dreams?''

''No. I just feel things, for example if it's a happy dream I feel this nice content feeling, but if it's a nightmare I feel my chest tighten and I can't move, it kind of feels like a panic attack.''

''That's awful... Do you get a lot of nightmares?''

''Yeah... It's mostly nightmares...'' Yoongi admitted.

''I'm sorry.'' Taehyung's voice got closer, and before Yoongi knew it, he felt him sit down on the bed next to him and place his palm on his knee.

''It's fine... Well, I'm working on it. Jinnie keeps saying I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and move on, so that's what I'm trying to do...''

''You're doing great, hyung.'' Yoongi felt the other squeeze his knee lightly. In any other circumstance, he would've already smacked the hand away, but for some reason, he didn't feel uncomfortable with Taehyung's touch. In a way he actually felt safe and at ease. ''Hyung...''


''If you're okay with it... But only if you really are... Could I maybe... ask you a few questions regarding your condition?''

''Okay... Why do you want to know about my condition?''

''There's this assignment I was given in school...''

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