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Despite the weight of Taehyung's confession, the two males managed to continue on their day quite well. They left the tension and the awkward silence behind at their table and completely forgot about the entire conversation when they walked out the bistro.

Just like their moods, the weather cleared up, so Taehyung convinced Yoongi to go shopping and then visit the park to catch some sunlight. Afterword, they figured they should get lunch as well since neither felt like going home and cooking.

It was nearly evening when they finally decided to head home. Taehyung of course walked Yoongi home and all the way through the apartment where he continued to say goodbye to Yoongi for almost an hour.

The time was 08.23 PM when he finally bounced up the stairs of his own apartment complex. A wide grin painted his face as he reached his front door.

He took out his keys and unlocked the door.

''Honey, I'm home!'' He made his presence known to his best friend.

''You're still alive?!'' He heard Jimin's voice coming from the living room, causing a chuckle to escape his mouth.

He took off his coat, placed his boots on the shoe rack and bounced into the living room where his friend currently occupied the couch. A bucket of ice cream in his lap, a blanket wrapped around him and the hood of Jungkook's sweatshirt hiding his head.

''I am more than alive.'' Taehyung sighed as he threw himself down on the couch, his head landing on Jimin's thigh.

Jimin averted his gaze from the TV and looked down at his love-struck friend. He cocked an eyebrow at him and placed the ice cream he had been eating on the coffee table before silencing the movie.

Taehyung got the memo and sat up on the couch, that grin of his not going anywhere anytime soon.

''So... Where have you been for the past two days?'' Jimin finally questioned.

''Where do you think?'' Taehyung giggled.

''I already knew you were at Yoongi's, what I meant was, explain why you were there for so long.''

''We fell asleep.'' Taehyung shrugged, as if Jimin would be satisfied with such an answer.

''Did anything happen before that?'' Jimin cocked his eyebrow again, studying his best friend's expression as if it was a subject he was going to be graded on.

''We hung out...'' Taehyung tried to bite down his grin, but it didn't help much, it only made his friend that more suspicious.

''Are you trying to fool me or yourself right now? Tae just tell me what happened!'' Jimin laughed, unable to take him seriously with that expression.

''We kissed.'' Taehyung finally admitted.

Jimin didn't say anything at first, his eyes were twice their usual size, his lips in a tight pucker and his eyebrows arched up in surprise.

''You...'' A wide grin started to stretch over his lips as well. ''Really?'' Taehyung only nodded in reply causing them both to burst into a fit of giggles. ''How did that happen?!'' Jimin finally managed to compose himself.

''I was reading him a book, but we fell asleep and I woke up at like two am and he told me I should stay over since it's so late, so I did. We were kind of just lying on the bed and we were talking about some things, and he got sad so I held him but in the end he kissed me before I could kiss him.''

''And what happened then?''

''We just kissed some more...'' Taehyung replied, his cheeks reddening.

''Just kissed?'' Jimin wiggled his eyebrows. ''Or did it like... Escalate?''

''Actually... It stayed really soft.''

''Soft? Soft how? Did you stay soft?'' Jimin earned a smack with the pillow because of the comment.

''I didn't mean it like that! I meant like... Do I really have to get in the details about this?''


''Fine. It was like... We weren't rushing, you know, like we just kissed for the sake of kissing not so it could turn into sex...'' Jimin couldn't help but smile as he watched his friend's expression go from a wide grin to a soft smile and reddening cheeks. ''I liked it... I can't really remember the last time someone was that gentle with me.''

''Now I really don't wanna know what kind of shit you get up to when you go see your booty calls.'' Jimin laughed, but Taehyung's face went pale.


''You really think I don't know you're sleeping with someone?'' Jimin chuckled. ''The amount of times you've sneaked out at night... Just say you're out to fuck and leave, I can hear you anyway.''

''Sorry...'' Taehyung forced a smile to his lips.

''For a while, I thought it was Yoongi you were sneaking off too... But you've been doing this for way longer than you two have known each other... You're not still seeing that person now, are you?''

''No.'' Taehyung quickly shook his head in reply. ''We ended it... I think about two weeks ago.''

''Just like me and Kookie...'' Jimin's smile suddenly saddened.

''Has he called you since?'' Jimin shook his head in reply.

''I-I just wanna know what I did... And apologize I guess... I just wanna talk it out... Have some closure and know why we even ended it. I know it's not just because I didn't wanna go out, there's gotta be something more, Tae. It was so unlike him.''

''I'm sorry, Chim...'' Guilt twisted at Taehyung's stomach as he observed his best friend's face. It felt wrong to know why Jungkook and Jimin's relationship ended before Jimin did. But there was no possible way for him to help without revealing more than Jimin should know.

''I'll give him some more time...'' Jimin nodded to himself, Taehyung could tell he was on the verge of tears. He tended to blink a lot and nod when he tried to hide his teary eyes. So he wrapped his arms around him and squeezed him tightly.

''It's gonna be okay...''

''I know... But that doesn't change the fact that it really fucking sucks right now.''

''I know...'' Taehyung sighed, trying his best to ignore the fact that Jungkook's scent still lingered on the hoodie.

He hadn't seen the male since the morning he left his apartment.

He couldn't forget how drained Jungkook looked that morning. His eyes were dull, face pale, his voice hoarse.

His heart stung like it had just been stabbed when they stood in the doorway, saying their goodbyes.

Although neither said it out-loud, they both knew the night they spent together was their last. And no love confession or sweet kiss could change that. Taehyung had made up his mind that night.

So why did it suddenly hurt so bad to think of Jungkook?

No matter how fast and hard he was falling for Yoongi, he still couldn't just forget about him.

He was both his and Jimin's first love after all.

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