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''Hyung?'' A sweet but somewhat tired voice called out, instantly notifying Yoongi that Taehyung had arrived.

Yoongi listened to hear the door close, then the sound of heavy boots hit the ground and finally he heard the patter of feet approach him.

''Oh, you're here.'' Taehyung spoke up as he entered the living room and noticed him sitting on the couch. ''What are you doing?'' Seconds later he felt the spot next to him sink due to a body now occupying the cushion.

''I was attempting to make tea... I'm still waiting for the water to boil.'' Yoongi explained as he placed his left foot to the ground so he could throw the right one over it.

''How long has it been since you set it to boil?''

''Not long... But still long enough to make me suspicious.''

''Then I'll be right back.'' Taehyung assured as he patted the male's knee and made his way into the kitchen.

He shook his head to get rid of his drowsiness then walked over to the stove to see what the problem was.

''Hyung...'' He called out as he held back a chuckle.


''You didn't put the kettle on the flame.'' Taehyung explained; he heard a chuckle escape Yoongi's lips causing him to smile as well. He grabbed the kettle and put it on the flame, which had been freely burning for god knows how long already. ''What kind of tea would you like?''

''Black. The teas are in the big drawer next to the sink.'' Yoongi shouted from the living room, because getting up and walking over was far too much of a hassle.

''The really deep one?''

''Yeah.'' Taehyung opened up the drawer and saw the several different bags of tea. It took him a bit to find the one Yoongi wished to drink but he managed. ''Did you find it?''

''Yeah.'' Taehyung assured. ''Hey hyung, you wouldn't happen to have any coffee would you?''

''I don't drink coffee, sorry.''

''It's alright.'' Taehyung assured right before he heard the kettle begin to whistle.

He turned the stove off then grabbed the tea bag and dumped it in the boiling hot water. He rushed over to the other side of the kitchen to grab two cups then grabbed the kettle and made his way back into the living room.

''We have to wait a bit for the tea to be ready.'' He explained as he sat back down next to Yoongi and yawned loudly, unable to hold it back. ''Have you eaten yet?'' 

''I ordered some take-out for both of us, should be arriving soon...'' 

''You didn't have to do that.'' 

''You come here straight after you classes, I'm sure you're starving.'' 

''I actually feel kind of sick right now...''

''Are you okay?''

''I didn't get a lot of sleep last night.''

''How come?''


''See this is why I dropped out of college.''


''That and I realized I didn't want to study physics. I reenrolled a year later, but it was to study art.''

''Good call.'' Taehyung yawned again. ''I'm sorry if I sound uninterested, I'm listening, just...''

''It's alright. You know you can go home if you're tired.''

''Nah, don't worry about it hyung.'' Taehyung assured as he reached out for the kettle and poured the tea into the cups. ''I'll sleep at night.''

''Or you could nap here.'' Yoongi suggested as Taehyung took his hand so he could hand him the teacup.

''I really doubt you want to listen to my snoring...''

''I don't mind snoring, it reminds you that there's someone sleeping next to you.''

''That's really sweet. I've never thought about it in such a way.'' Yoongi just shrugged in reply then took a sip of his tea. Taehyung observed him, making sure he didn't mess up his drink, despite only really putting a tea bag into hot water. But considering the state he was in he wouldn't be surprised if he managed to mess that up. ''You really wouldn't mind if I doze off for a bit?''

''Of course not.''

''Then... Could...''

''Could?'' Yoongi repeated since Taehyung never finished his sentence.

''Could I maybe... Rest my head on you...''

''Oh...'' He instantly regretted even asking when he saw Yoongi's surprised expression.

''Sorry, forget I asked.''

''No, no it's fine... I just... Didn't expect you to ask something like that...''


''It's fine, use me as your personal body pillow.'' Yoongi assured with a smile that turned his lips into a straight line.

Taehyung found that it made his cheeks look very squishy, but chose not to comment on it and rather just admire it for a bit. He shifted in his position and laid down on the couch, his head now resting on Yoongi's lap while he stared up at the male.

''Is this alright?'' Yoongi questioned as he took another sip of his tea.

''Yeah... Thanks... I fall asleep easier if I'm with somebody.''

''You like a lot of contact, don't you?''

''In a way, yes.'' Taehyung replied as he closed his eyes. 

''I've noticed.'' Yoongi murmured, and a few seconds later Taehyung felt the other's hand gently press against his head, so gentle and careful as if Yoongi was afraid to hurt him. He let out a deep breath and unclenched his jaw, letting himself relax under the male's touch. ''You know, I don't normally like people coming near me. I never have, but it's just gotten worse after... You know... But you... You keep invading my bubble, and for some reason, I don't mind it.'' Yoongi continued to speak as he ran his hand through Taehyung's hair.

It felt weird to do such a thing. 

He couldn't even remember the last time he was this affectionate with somebody. However, he couldn't deny that the latter's weight and warmth felt nice. He could almost admit that he missed it. 

It took about three minutes, and the male already began to snore as he drifted off to sleep.

Yoongi just smiled to himself and proceeded to stroke the latter's hair.

''How come I don't mind all these things with you, huh?'' He chuckled to himself, knowing Taehyung was too deep asleep to answer him now.

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