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It was a cold and rainy Friday night.

The thunder grumbled loudly as the rain poured heavily, hitting the closed bedroom window due to the crazy winds.

Only a small lamp resting on top of the nightstand illuminated the bedroom, making it easier for the male sitting on the bed to see his book. He rested his back against the frame of the bed, one of his hands holding a thin book and his other wrapped around the male lying between his legs. 

Yoongi's head rested on Taehyung's shoulder with his eyes closed and the blanket up to his chin. He listened to Taehyung's soothing voice as the male read him one of the books he never had the chance to finish by himself.

'''Now I'm studying the ground like it's the most interesting thing I've seen. It takes me a while to answer because I'm trying to decide how much to say. Honestly, Violet, I don't know why-'' Taehyung stopped reading for a second and glanced down at the male lying between his legs. His eyes were closed, lips slightly parted, letting out slow and even breaths. ''Hyung?'' Taehyung called out softly to check if the male was still awake. ''Hyung?'' No reply. ''Yoongi?''

''Hmm?'' The latter's eyes fluttered open. He lifted his head off Taehyung's chest and blinked a few times to wake himself up before readjusting his head in a more comfortable position.

''Sorry, I was checking if you were still awake?'' Taehyung apologized as he closed the book up and stretched over to the nightstand to place it down, figuring that was enough of reading for today.

''Did I fall asleep?'' Yoongi's eyebrows furrowed together in confusion, he must've still been half asleep.

''Kind of.'' Taehyung chuckled, finding the latter's state to be quite endearing to look at.

''Sorry...'' Yoongi apologized but didn't move away from their embrace. On the contrary, he snuggled his head even closer and closed his eyes again. ''Your voice is so nice to listen to, you know that.''

''So nice you doze off?'' Taehyung teased.

''Yeah, actually. It's really calming, especially when you sing.''

''Want me to sing?''

''No, that's okay. I've tired your vocals enough already.'' Yoongi waved his hand in dismissal before resting it back on top of Taehyung's thigh. ''But you really do have a pretty voice. I could listen to it all the time.''

''I-I don't really know how to reply to that, hyung...'' Taehyung found himself holding back a smile as he felt his cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

''You can call me by my name if you want, you know.''

''You don't mind?'' Yoongi just shook his head in reply.

''It makes me feel less old.'' He admitted, causing the pair to chuckle.

''You're not old.''

''I know.'' Yoongi nodded his head. ''But still.''

''Yoongi...'' Taehyung called out.

For some reason the latter's name felt weird on his tongue, but at the same time, he liked saying it.


''Just wanted to try it out.''

''Like it?''

''Maybe... Might start saying it more often.''

''Hey Taehyung?''


''I keep forgetting to ask you this...'' Suddenly Yoongi raised himself back up again so that he was no longer resting his back against Taehyung's chest.

For some reason, Taehyung frowned when the male moved away.

He liked the weight of Yoongi's body on him and he missed the warmth it brought him. A part of him wanted to wrap his arms around Yoongi and pull him back into an embrace, but he chose not to. Not completely sure how Yoongi would react if he did something like that.

''When do you have to turn your assignment in?'' Yoongi questioned, his back now facing Taehyung, his head turned away and his shoulders slouched.

Taehyung knew Yoongi couldn't look him in the eye when they spoke, but for some reason it didn't sit well with him that the male was facing the other way when they spoke.

''What assignment?'' Taehyung questioned; a sense of panic washing over him. Has he forgotten he has an assignment due sometime soon? What was it about? Which class was it for? Should he be calling Jimin?

''You know, the one about me and my... condition. The reason you even started coming here...'' Yoongi spoke quietly as he fiddled with the fabric of his sheets.

''Oh... That...'' Relief washed over Taehyung when he realized which assignment Yoongi meant. ''I turned that in ages ago.''

''Wait what?'' Yoongi turned his body around, a mix of confusion and surprise painting his face. Taehyung found it amusing how he still did certain things purely out of habit, such as turn around to face him even when he couldn't see him either way. ''When did you turn it in?''

''Over a month ago... Maybe more...'' Taehyung thought for a moment. ''I got a ten.''

''Wow... Wait... Then why did you keep coming over?''

''What do you mean?''

''I mean...'' Yoongi's shoulders slouched again. ''You're done with the assignment... You don't really need any more information about me. Why did you decide to continue coming here?''

''Because I like coming here.'' Taehyung admitted.

For the same reason Yoongi found it so much harder, Taehyung found it so much easier to say what was on his mind. Because the other male couldn't see him, he couldn't see how he was studying his face or staring at a certain detail on him as he spoke. He couldn't see when his face couldn't hide what he felt or what he wanted to say but chose not to. And so he didn't feel as nervous as he spoke the truth.


Taehyung stayed quiet and watched to see what would happen next. When suddenly, Yoongi leaned back down into his arms and snuggled his head back to his chest. This time, Taehyung was certain Yoongi wouldn't mind if he wrapped his arms around him, so he did just that.

''Then... Thank you for keeping me company... I guess...'' Yoongi replied quietly, his face mostly hidden due to the way he was lying.

''The pleasure is all mine, Yoongi.'' Taehyung replied with a small smile stretching over his lips. 

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