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Finally, Yoongi's favorite time of the day has come.

''Living room!'' He replied as he listened to Taehyung's footsteps as they got closer and closer until a body finally threw itself down on the couch and a head laid down on Yoongi's lap with a loud sigh.

''I am so tired.'' Taehyung whined as a yawn escaped his lips.

''Long day at school?'' Yoongi questioned as his hand carefully made his way to Taehyung's hair, making sure he doesn't miss it or accidentally hit the male in the face.

He felt the other's soft locks on his fingertips and ran his hand through the hair earning an inaudible murmur in response.

''I was studying for an exam yesterday, so I didn't get much sleep.'' Taehyung explained as he closed his eyes in bliss when Yoongi started to massage his scalp.

''When do you have the exam?''

''Next week, but I'll never pass if I don't study at least a week in advance.''

''Damn... I never had those problems.''

''And I envy you for it, hyung.''

''You'll pass though, you're smart.'' With that Taehyung opened his eyes back up and smiled at the male.

Only to realize something was different about him today.

''Did you get a new haircut?'' He questioned as he raised himself up to study the male's face.

''Ah... Yeah, Seokjin and Namjoon dragged me to get my hair cut... Was it really that bad before?''

''It was a bit messy... but I didn't mind it.'' Taehyung half lied. It was a bit more than messy, but he indeed didn't mind it, it looked kind of cute on the male. ''You look really good, though.''

''I see... Actually I don't, but you get what I meant.'' Yoongi nodded softly causing Taehyung to giggle as he sat back up to observe the male some more. ''I didn't let them shave me though.''

''Why not?''

''I didn't even want them touching my hair, you really think I'd let some random stranger use a razor on me?''

''Hyung, they were a professional, they wouldn't have hurt you.''

''I still don't trust them though...'' Yoongi murmured as he crossed his arms over his chest. Taehyung couldn't help but smile fondly as he watched the displeased and grumpy expression.

''Would you trust me to do it?'' An idea suddenly struck him, causing Yoongi's eyes to widen in surprise.


''You know me, would you be okay if I did it. We're not strangers.''

''I seriously can't tell when you're kidding and when you're serious.'' Yoongi replied honestly.

''I'm serious right now, if you want I can shave you.''

''Didn't you just say you were sleep deprived.'' Yoongi joked causing the other to giggle at his joke.

''Hyung, I'm serious. Can I please shave your face, I promise you'll be fine.''

''I...'' Yoongi wanted to protest, but Taehyung had already grabbed his hand and started pulling him off the couch. ''This is not gonna end well...'' He sighed, but gave in as he grabbed onto Taehyung's forearm so the male could guide him to the bathroom.

Taehyung sat him down on the lid of the toilet then hurried to the sink.

''Hyung, where do you keep your razor?''

''I honestly have no idea...'' Yoongi admitted. ''We have about the same luck of finding it.''

''So snoop around until I find it is the plan?''

''Good luck.'' Yoongi joked as he crossed his left leg over his right and waited patiently as he listened to Taehyung as he rummaged through his bathroom in attempt to find a razor.

''Found it!'' The male announced after what felt like minutes. Within a split second, he was holding onto Yoongi's hand to get him to stand up. Yoongi knew it took him five steps to get to the sink from the bathroom so he didn't need any help in getting there.

He grabbed onto the sink for reassurance, while Taehyung murmured a 'be right back' and disappeared somewhere into the apartment.

He came back less than a minute later with a chair and sat Yoongi down on it so he could easily wet his face then apply the shaving foam.

''You're a weird individual, Taehyung, you know that?'' Yoongi murmured as the latter applied foam over his chin and around his lips.

''I know that.'' Taehyung replied with a small chuckle.

''I like weird.'' Yoongi added as he felt the latter's fingers press beneath his chin to get him to raise his head and keep still. He felt the cool razor gently glide against his skin, and for some reason he didn't flinch nor feel slightest bit of worry.

He trusted that Taehyung wouldn't hurt him.

''Suck in your upper lip please.'' Taehyung spoke softly as he focused on his task.

Yoongi did as told making Taehyung carefully shave the area, then wet the razor to get rid of the foam.

Yoongi stayed completely still and relaxed the entire time, and Taehyung couldn't help but look at him. It was the first time he actually saw the male's entire face. Usually his hair would be covering his forehead and eyes, but he moved the hair away revealing Yoongi's face.

''What are you doing?'' Yoongi questioned once he realized he was no longer shaving him.

''Your eyes remind me of a wolf...'' Taehyung murmured, not caring that he made it clear that he was staring at the male's face. He knew Yoongi was aware of just how close their faces were, and he wanted to see how he would react.

''How do I look to you?'' Yoongi questioned, seemingly unfazed by Taehyung's behavior.

''Cold, but that's because of your eyes... They're kinda sharp so they make you look angry, but then you have really soft cheeks and a button nose so that kind of mellows out the scariness... And your lips... They're kind of feminine, but in a good way... Like they're soft... Why did you never draw any self-portraits, you're pretty to look at?''

''I barely did portraits...''


''They're intimate.''

''More intimate than drawing a nude model?'' Taehyung teased with a light chuckle.

''Much more, because then the person knows how you see them. How much time and attention you put to details, how well you know their features, what you like most about them... A picture's worth a thousand words.''

''Now I'm curious how my portrait would've looked like.''

''You and me both.''

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